
Monday, November 2, 2015

Cookies and Costumes

This is fittingly be the final post about the final day of October — Halloween.

Thanks to everyone for comments on the previous two posts about the downtown Nashua, NH decorations and the Home Depot "scaries."

This past Saturday we were in RI for a visit with the grandchildren and their mom. The afternoon was filled with coloring, cookie making and decorating, then costume prep. We didn't stay for the entire evening outing of neighborhood trick or treating. 

Freshly-baked green "zombie" cookies were decorated in the afternoon before costumes were donned.
The grands were great cookie decorators. Thankfully, everything needed came in a package from the cookie mix to the decorating tubes.

Their mom and grandpa supervised and joined in the fun.
When the decorating was done, the eating began and most "zombies" quickly lost their heads or other "body" parts.

And then the costume preparation began for granddaughter, who was going out as "Pinkie Pie" one of the main characters of My Little Pony Friendship is Magic. We didn't know much about this character before the transformation. Sorry, but there are no photos of grandson's costume prep, which was made from an adult raincoat and work gloves stuffed with packing materials and a plastic jar. His mom bought the materials and assembled this unique and original costume.

Soon afterwards both grands were ready to meet their public.

Hope you had a great and unscary weekend. 

As traditionalists, we know that the official countdown until Christmas doesn't start until after Thanksgiving. But for those who shop early, there are just over 50 days left. Grenville said to mention that we could send our Amazon wish lists to anyone who wants to add us to their gift buying list.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

I love both cosutmes, so creative and i like the photos of the paiting session to

Emma Springfield said...

The costumes turned out so well. Pinkie Pie is gorgeous. I wish I had come up with the idea of the head in the jar.

Anonymous said...

Love these darling photos.

L. D. said...

It looks like a wonderful time with the grandkids. Lots of fun and great family time. I am glad you could do that.

DeniseinVA said...

Fun costumes and great fun activities with your grandkids. We missed the little ones because we forgot to turn the light on and checked why we hadn't had any visitors at the door. At eight we realized. Turn the light on they shall come, the older ones that is :)

William Kendall said...

It looks like everyone had fun!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

What wonderful memories and little Ellie has grown so much!!!...:)JP

Connie said...

Making and decorating the cookies looks like it was a lot of fun. Love the costumes--so creative!

diane b said...

This Mom sure knows how to entertain kids and make fabulous costumes. We went to the movies instead of trick or treating. Spoil sports aren't we? We never celebrated it in Australia when we were children. It is only recently that consumerism thought it was a good idea to introduce it to Aussie kids. If one goes into the history of the celebration it isn't even relevant in the southern hemisphere at that time. Off my soap box now.

Marie Smith said...

What joy to spend time with your grandchildren. It looked like a fun time.

Anvilcloud said...

Both cookies and costumes were so well done.