
Friday, November 20, 2015

Friday Funny

Admittedly, there hasn't been much joy in the wake of recent (and continuing) world events, but we should make time to smile. Life is unpredictable and so very fragile. 

Here's 2 for the Road for everyone and especially folks (including ourselves) who will be traveling next week to share Thanksgiving with family, friends and/or both.

Enjoy your weekend, Everyone.


Anvilcloud said...

Yes, a big holiday coming up for you folk. Be safe.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

love it, looks like maybe 2 little ones in that van.

Connie said...

Cute! I agree, any chance we can find an opportunity to smile, we should take it. Hope you have a nice weekend!

Blogoratti said...

Looks nice, greetings and best wishes!

Emma Springfield said...

That is a cute commentary about priorities. Kids come first. I think our first duty as citizens of the world is to continue living. The fear and loathing of the terrorist deeds will be there but we cannot allow them to change the way we live. They are not more powerful than we are. They simply feed on the disbelief that anyone would be willing to commit such atrocities.

L. D. said...

It is a fun photo. Have a great day.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Safe travels and Happy Thanksgiving! We are feeding "the hungry", that is...:)JP

Anonymous said...

Good Morning. I am able to use my laptop this a.m. This is a cute photo. I want to wish you both a Happy Thanksgiving and safe travel. I am praying for the sale of your home also.

Anonymous said...

I hope the roads will be good when You're out driving!

Have a great day!


William Kendall said...

Just as long as the kid's not on that thing while it's up there, otherwise you've got a Mitt Romney!

If you're not posting before then, have a Happy Thanksgiving.

Ginnie said...

Very sweet. If they get a flat tire they will still have wheels !! Have a great Holiday.