
Friday, May 15, 2015

On the Move

That describes our experiences this month. Unfortunately, it hasn't included any adventurous road trips (although we DO hope to take one of those soon).

An earlier post described our nearly week-long stay in our home state of New Jersey. We weren't there to visit, but to help load up a very large dumpster with unwanted or unneeded items from my late mother's home. 

Last week we returned to VA to pack up more "stuff" from our home, The Frog & PenguINN, to transport to our new apt residence in New Hampshire. 

After 4-1/2 days spent packing and loading up a small trailer in VA, we were ready to head to NH. It's a long trip (10 hours) so we made an overnight stop in PA to visit family. 

We're not sure why, but there seems to be a time warp whenever we travel through PA. What the GPS indicated would be a less 7 hour trip took over 9 hours (and that's after our overnight stop). 

We finally arrived in NH and after a night's rest, were not quite ready to begin the fun (it's really not) of unloading the trailer. This was our third trailer load of "stuff" and our last. Our bikes didn't fit in this trip, but Grenville has a car bike hitch for that eventual pickup this summer. Maybe, when the F&P finally has new owners? (we can only hope)
This U-Haul trailer (5x8) is the next smallest one available. It's the third one we've rented and all were this same size. 

The best part of these moving trips have been getting to see this view — an empty trailer.

Yes, there's no denying that despite all the loading and unloading that was a lot of work, this Do-It-Yourself project was so much less costly than if we had hired a moving company. We had considered that option. But based on where our VA house is located, it was hard to find one willing to do the job. WHY? A town of 500 people is far from a major metropolis and local moving companies were not accustomed to a 10+ hour move.

So, Grenville and I did it ourselves; we don't plan on relocating anytime soon again. Now, we're busy working on downsizing and trying to figure out where all this relocated stuff will fit in our much smaller apt. Donations are a very good thing. We had some help this last trip from our friend, Ramon.

Don't worry folks, he asked begged to help out. And, don't let that wheelchair fool you folks, Ramon is excellent at handling containers and even managed a 26-inch TV.

Thanks, Ramon, for all your help and ready smile, both were SO much appreciated. We're planning a pay-back dinner, after working through all these newly-deposited containers and boxes in our apt. Downsizing from a 2-story Victorian home to a single-floor (much) smaller apartment is challenging (a major understatement on my part).

This weekend, we're on the road again as we head to neighboring CT to attend a memorial service for Grenville's Aunt AnneSoon, we hope to plan a FUN trip for a very welcome change from these recent road trips — which have been (too) MUCH work and NO fun.

And, that's why blog friends it's been hard to keep up with much posting and reading. But we wanted you all to share in our experiences, even though you missed all the fun (NOT) of packing, loading and unloading.

Enjoy your weekend, everyone — have some fun too!


Out on the prairie said...

I can be a fast packer, I often help when friends are moving or sorting out after a death. I hear you on finding help.Last time I used muscle it was all 16 year olds.

Mari said...

I am a slow packer and not good at it. I always need help when it comes to packing.

DIY project seem to be a great idea though it has lots of work to be done solely.

Anonymous said...

Good that you had help from your friend. I don't envy you at all.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I did shudder just a little thinking of all that work of loading and unloading three times. you were blessed to have Ramon.. i have moved dozens of times and never used a moving service. we always did it ourselves.. only once was out of state and i just put what i could fit in my truck and left the rest...

Rebecca said...

It doesn't sound like fun, but at least you are making progress.

William Kendall said...

That is a lot of work.

barbara l. hale said...

So sorry for your loss! You are right that there's nothing fun about clearing out a house. But having a good friend to help is a very good thing. I like that Ramon has a Red Sox hat on. He sounds like a good one to have around! Here's to a FUN road trip in your future!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Oh my, moving is such hard work and having to decide what to keep and what to give up would be the hardest part, for me. Wishing you a nice weekend and a "fun" trip soon!

Emma Springfield said...

I have told you before how much I hate moving. My reasons involve all the organizing, packing, then unpacking, and finally trying to figure out where to put things. I am happy for you that you are almost finished. Thank you to Ramon from me. An extra pair of hands is a blessing. And condolences for your loss.

Latane Barton said...

Like Willie Nelson, you are on the road again. I remember that the act of moving is very tiring and strung out. Hope you get plenty of rest and soon get settled in your new apartment. Will miss knowing that you are in the same state as me.

Anvilcloud said...

Moving plus other traveling sounds exhausting -- because it is. All the best. Hope you can rest soon before you take a fun trip.

Anonymous said...

I know Ramon was very much appreciated. We've moved too many times and I don't think I can EVER do it again. I'll be thinking of you both as you attend the memorial for Aunt Anne. Looking forward to your fun trip and you sharing with us.

DeniseinVA said...

I'm glad you had Ramon to help you. Moving is a huge challenge at the best of times. Moving yourself even more so. I'm sure you are looking forward to a fun road trip.

Gill - That British Woman said...

moving is hard work, hopefully things will slow down for you soon.

Michelle said...

Moving is some seriously hard work! Nice that you have Ramon to help!

L. D. said...

Most people don't understand how much work that it all is. It took my wife two and a half years to clear my parents home and remodel two bathrooms before we could sell it. There were only the two of us even though there are two other brothers living in the west. I threw away a lot of things and I kept too much. The house was an hour away from us so we had that time to commit to the project also.

Anonymous said...

I really don't like moving so I tend to stay very long where I live :-) It is a great time however to get rid of things one really don't need :-)

Have a great day!

Connie said...

Moving is so much work! It's well worth it when finished, but making those decisions and doing all that packing and unpacking is exhausting.