
Monday, May 25, 2015

There Was a Parade . . .

Yes, there was one today to celebrate Memorial Day 2015 in Nashua, NH.

It's the first such event we've attended since relocating here and we were happy to join many others on Main Street. We both grew up in NJ towns that celebrated national holidays with big huge parades (at least they always seemed bigger when we were kids).
Since then, patriotic or holiday parades have become not only infrequent but practically non-existent in many towns and cities. And that includes celebrations for Memorial Day, the federal U.S. holiday that's celebrated annually on the last Monday of May. For many folks, it's just a long 3-day weekend until the next summer holiday on July 4.
Memorial Day was previously called "Decoration Day" and was first observed after the Civil War on May 30, 1858 to honor those who had died in that conflict,  Today, it's a day to honor all Americans who have lost their lives in military service. To many people, ourselves included, it's a day to celebrate all those who served.

We were honored to celebrate; also thankful that Nashua, NH recognized it was an important holiday to remember. Did you attend any similar ceremonies or events?


MadSnapper n Beau said...

no parades here, we have one per year, the desoto parade, a historical parade about the county. they do have a Childrens Christmas parade, a small one. this one looks like a good one that you went to. i did go to a Union reenactment on Saturday

Maureen @ Josephina Ballerina said...

Went to see Garrison Kelior at Wolftrap National Park Friday night. US Navy Band was there. Patriotic songs played. We did a wonderful sing-a-long of Americana, hymns, and patriotic tunes, plus other things. Wonderful way to start this important Remembrance Day weekend.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Maureen, we have seen Garrison Keillor and the PHC troupe twice at live performances, so I know you had a great time! And, now we are just a teensy bit envious too.

William Kendall said...

It looks like the town really takes the occasion to heart.

L. D. said...

There were no parades to attend. I am impressed with the parade photos. Our smaller towns can't get enough band members to have a marching band. That is a large band. Thanks for sharing all the nice photos.

Doris said...

Manheim has a small parade on Memorial Day. Dale would take Ellen to it every year because she loves parades. Now we need to make some new traditions since we moved. :)

Mari said...

I think it is a good thing to honor those who serve the country and to remember and pay tribute to those who have fallen during the service.

Yes I have attended similar activity. In fact I have just finished a 3 series of post dedicated to the Victory Day celebration in commemoration of those who served during the WWII.
Please feel free to check it out on my blog.

Out on the prairie said...

I still remember the pride my father expressed as we decorated each year in a family cemetery. I always wondered about some of the people only he knew,yet were made into my friends as I pass their graves decorating each year.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

You snapped some wonderful shots of the parade! It looks like a nice sized one, too.

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed your photos. We stayed home this year. Today we are having thunderstorms!

Gail Dixon said...

We didn't have a parade, but they placed 10,000 miniature flags in front of our State Capitol. Made for really compelling photos. Wish I had known they were doing that beforehand so I could get my own shots. Other than that we just relaxed and did our usual nature hikes, etc.

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

How I wish I could take action photo's like that. No matter what I do they come out blurred.
I love a parage! :) *wanders off singing "I love a parade..." *