
Friday, February 6, 2015

Phriday Phunnies

As some of you may have heard, New England has gotten a little extra snow this year. In fact one Southern New Hampshire city, Nashua, has been dubbed the "Snow Capital of New England". Unfortunately Nashua is not near any of the ski areas. This means that the 48+ inches they have already, needs to be dealt with. Being conservative thrifty New Enlanders they have decided to SELL it to those unfortunates that have none.

The ever clever staff of the Frog & Pennguinn has jumped in to help with some marketing slogans.

Got Need Snow???
We Deliver!!!

One scoop or two??
Will this be a delivery or pick up???


Out on the prairie said...

Maybe sprinkle a little sugar on it and make it a dessert

Gill - That British Woman said...

very funny....made me chuckle. One of our nieces in Britain was saying how much she loves snow. I just looked at her in amazement and said you can have as much of ours as you want, NO CHARGE!!! We do not have a fraction of the amount that you have and please feel free to keep it!!

Doris said...

No takers at this location! Our recent snow amounts were just enough to create havoc on the roads. It's getting old.....I'm ready for Spring whenever she decides to show up =)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

love the delivery shot... and bob says New York is taking their snow out on barges and dumping it in the Atlantic... they should be selling it i guess...

Montanagirl said...

You guys are hilarious!! :) Might as well look at the humorous side, right?? LOL

Connie said...

Hahaha! Well, sure, why not? It goes along with when life hands you lemons, make lemonade, right? Hope you have a nice weekend!

Emma Springfield said...

If they are not interested in buying snow maybe they could lease it? You know... s'now big deal and you can swim later.

Far Side of Fifty said...

We could use some here in Minnesota, bur delivery charges would be too expensive:)

William Kendall said...

Apparently they're also getting slammed in the Maritime provinces by snowfall levels.

barbara l. hale said...

LOL! I should offer those ideas to the selectmen in Sturbridge. We have more than our share of the white stuff. And more on the way this weekend. What a winter! But we'll survive.

Anvilcloud said...

But who is. Using and how far will they deliver.

diane b said...

It wouldn't last long if it was delivered here. Hope you are keeping warm and safe.

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

Yikes! And it was actually 80 here today!! :(

Anonymous said...

Maybe, put a scoop of that in a paper cone and sell it as a shaved ice dessert?

Anonymous said...

Ours is melting away now so perhaps I should order some :-) :-)

Have a great day!

Joseph Pulikotil said...


Lovely photos. The snow looks like huge mounds of vanilla ice cream.

I am glad New Englanders' are ready to sell surplus snow. It is an excellent idea to make money from surplus. We never have snow here. Perhaps our government will consider buying snow from New Englanders.

Best wishes

Mari said...

Oh no, thank you very much. We have as much. Nice pics. :)

Elaine said...

Leave it to thrifty New Englanders to come up with that idea, but I'll bet they get no takers. We have quite a few huge snow dumps here, and they'll last a bit longer than yours.....

It was nice talking to you last week!

possum said...

Oh I am so happy for you! Hope you get enough of it.
I picked camellias yesterday. It was 67 Sunday, drove to the beach. Was nice to see the ocean and drive with the car windows open. Dinner at Wrights. Fresh flounder.
Colder today, but it was fun while it lasted!