
Sunday, April 27, 2014

What's Blooming?

Recent warm weather coupled with rain storms resulted in many blooms around the Frog & PenguINN yard in recent weeks. 

Our daffodils were very late bloomers because of a longer winter/colder spring. Once they started blooming, they were very abundant. Forsythias, dandelions and mustard greens provided more colorful blooms — all in yellow.

Lawn wildflowers, also known as nuisances, include mouse-ear chickweed and purple dead  nettle. While these are annoying wildflowers, each has its own beauty.

My favorite wildflower,which is also in my favorite color, are these wild violets, which show up in two color variations every spring; all are volunteer plants.

Several lily of the valley plants were transplanted from our former New Jersey yard. These have thrived and multiplied in the 10 years we've been living in Virginia. 

The F&P strawberry patch also has many blooms, hopefully we'll enjoy a great crop. Yellow wild strawberry blooms are colorful and abundant now on the lawn areas.

In the orchard, the peach trees and a lone pear tree budded last week. Heavy winds here the past few days blew off most of the colorful flowers.

 What's blooming in your yard? 


Karen Lakis said...

Beautiful blooms! We don't have much yet. The magnolia trees in Boston are blooming, but that's about as far as we've gotten...

Michelle said...

Quite the collection of blossoms! The fruit trees, here, are blooming as well as some spring flowers. So nice to see after the long winter.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

anyone reading my comment, if you did not enlarge these, you really should. these are ALL awesome macro shots. wow and wow on the photos.
love all the colors and we have orange hibiscus like your middle shot in the first collage and two different red hibiscus.. purple kings mantle...

Anvilcloud said...

You certainly have an abundance. We still have some crocuses, and the daffs are not quite here yet.

Montanagirl said...

Beautiful - gorgeous - blooms! We don't have any yet. It's a rainy, cold day here, but we need the moisture.

Out on the prairie said...

I have lots of everything going. Went to a garden center and gave them a couple hundred and possibly headed to another today.

Anonymous said...

And I thought we had many flowers in bloom here :-)

We don't have yellow colored wild strawberry flowers here, only the white. But we do have a relative to them that we call Troll strawberry that is yellow. The berries look just like normal ones but taste absolutely nothing :-) :-)

Have a great day!

Emma Springfield said...

I just love when the wildflowers begin to bloom. I am fond of violets, lilacs, and larkspur.

Anonymous said...

Lovely flowers! You are indeed blessed.

barbara l. hale said...

What a terrific post! I love all those flowers - volunteers or otherwise. We are just not seeing the buds on our magnolia and the forsythia is out. Only the scilla seems to be blooming wildflowerwise. But the daffs are up and open. Spring is here.

William Kendall said...

Achingly beautiful!

Linda said...

Great pictures!

We have tulips and (of course) dandelions.

diane b said...

Spring is full on in your yard. I love the lily of the valley.

DeniseinVA said...

A brilliant display of blooming there :)

Kathy said...

Beautiful flowers! I posted about all my daffodils yesterday, And wild violets in my grass. Spring is so pretty.

Leonora said...

Beautiful photos!The yellows do seem to make the first appearance in spring followed by the pinks and whites. They're all so pretty : )

Cheryl @ TFD said...

The daffodils are beautiful, I love the one in the center! We have redbuds and lilacs blooming, and the fruit trees are beginning to bloom. The redbuds are beginning to leaf out now. It's been a beautiful spring so far, aside from the storms!

Connie said...

Beautiful collages, Dorothy! These flowers are such a welcome sight after the winter we had.