in late afternoon as sunlight glows through neighborhood trees.
Now that the days (finally) are much warmer and longer, we've resumed our local walks. We don't go walking every day, but try to get out a couple of afternoons a week, in addition to regular morning "Y" visits. Yard work also gets us outdoors more now.
This tangled maze of branches was not budding a couple of weeks ago.
Afternoon light creates unique patterns especially when coupled with special effects. These shots were done "straight out of the camera" (SOOC) using varied camera settings.
A fish-eye setting with an added "zoom" effect can make the world seem to go "faster."
ENJOY your weekend — hope that your weather is better now too.
Glad you're having photographic fun. Our snow is almost gone except where piled. Expecting more on Tuesday, but it won't last. Yesterday was quite beautiful -- went all the way up to 54°F.
Fun shots!
Buds coming out on the redbud. Got the onions in the ground yesterday. Spring must be here!
Clever shots, glad you can get out more now.
I really enjoyed your pictures. Someone has been playing with their camera!! And, it's fun!!
I like your special effects!
i like that tangled web of limbs with the light shining through. glad your weather is allowing you outside time..
Lovely photos!
I like your effects! Whooo! That last one makes me dizzy! : )
That tangled web of branches reminds me of a shot I still have in waiting from the winter of a marshland. Excellent shots!
What fun pics! Yes, the weather is gorgeous here today. We spent much of the day sitting on the patio watching the birds. My Honey photographed them while I watched and knitted to fill an order. It's fun to have a portable job. ;)
Neat pictures and effect too!
I ,love this time of year when days are so much longer and soon almost not turn in to night at all :-)
Great photos!
Have a great day!
Thanks for "seeing the light" and sharing it with us.
More lovely photos. Yes we had warmth too, but snow dusted us yet again overnight, I posted to my the Y today we were saying we no longer appreciate it's prettiness. It's almost all melted now but it's not the first time we have encoutnered snow dust in April...this year the winter has been too long so we say ENOUGH
Beautiful photos! I'm so glad the days are longer and warmer too.
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