
Sunday, April 6, 2014

Fanning the Nest

Sure, that's a strange title, but not as strange as what's been going on this week on our front porch. We really enjoy sitting here on nice afternoons.

But lately, our overhead space is being invaded by house finches that have been trying to build a nest on the ceiling fan blades. The fan is directly above the rockers and definitely not a good nesting spot. Several times a day we've been clearing nesting materials (seen below) from the front porch.
Grenville heard that birds fear snakes, so this is one solution he's trying. So, far, it hasn't seemed to deter these house-hunting finches.
Has anyone had a similar problem ?

If so, HOW did you handle it . . .

And, did it work ? 


MadSnapper n Beau said...

never had this problem, and i think the fake snake is a great idea... and wonder why it doesn't work.

Anonymous said...

Haha! Love the previous comment. Maybe you should remove the ceiling fan???

Montanagirl said...

Never had this problem before, but we don't have any fans on our deck. Our neighbor has an overhanging roof on their patio, and the birds often try to nest under there as well. I think they just kept tearing the nests down, hoping the birds would relocate.

Anvilcloud said...

What FANatical birds!

Out on the prairie said...

I put a rolled up towel on a light every year when they wanted to build

Anonymous said...

Of course they want to build a home there, birds always love good company :-)

Can't say I've ever had that problem but have You tried to have a reasonable true looking owl on the porch? Many have them here and it seems to work fine.

Have a great day!

possum said...

A fan on an open porch? Never heard of that before. Try leaving the fan on for a couple days. That ought to discourage them.

diane b said...

My daughter and SIL had a similar problem of pigeons on their deck. He tried the snake it didn't work either. I think they finally went of their own accord. Have you tried a fake owl or bird of prey.

William Kendall said...

My parents had birds occasionally nesting above the clothesline starting point, right by the back door. The birds put up such a racket anytime you stepped out. Finally one year Dad just wedged a block of wood up there, and did the same thing each spring.

Michelle said...

I would just leave the fan on for a few days. Surely they would leave.

DeniseinVA said...

That is an interesting place for a nest. No clue but was interested in the suggestions.

Lois Evensen said...

We haven't had much luck discouraging birds that REALLY want to build a nest somewhere we don't want it. We have them over a decorative lion on the front of our house again this year. It's really hard to get them out of there before eggs are in the nest. Then we have to wait until the babes are on their own. We can't knock down an occupied nest. :(

Connie said...

We had a robin that tried to build a nest on top of our mailbox one year. We kept tearing out the nesting material over and over. It was a very persistent bird, but finally it gave up and went elsewhere.

Kathy said...

I've never had this problem, but my first thought was to turn on the fan and leave it running for a few days so they get the message.

Unknown said...

not had a problem with finches but the robins can sometimes be pesty building nest atop my decorative outdoor wreaths. A few years ago while we were gone, sparrows have built atop the gargage door overhang. We take the nest down and sometimes that discourages them other times they rebuild. With all the trees and shrubs we have on our property it's rare that they nest so close. That snake would keep me away, maybe the finches can detect it's faux. I love your porch rockers.