
Thursday, November 15, 2012

Onley Autumn is Still Here

As many readers of this blog may know, we live on the eastern shore of Virginia (called “the other Virginia”) in the small town of Onley (pop. 516 as of 2010 per The town’s name is pronounced “Only” although most  who don’t know that, including us when we first moved here nearly 8 years ago, say “On-ley.”leaf collageThe eastern shore is a coastal area with very warm hot (and humid) summer temps. Fall colors are slower to arrive in these parts, and temps stay warm well into fall. While it’s nearing the holiday season  and many other parts of the U.S. and abroad have leafless trees, cold weather (and even snow) — NOT here. We still have a lot of autumn reds, yellow, golden browns. The photos above and below were taken on a walk around our neighborhood earlier this week. onley fall collage1It’s not only trees that are still colorful, as many Frog & PenguINN yard flowers are still blooming, despite some recent chilly evenings of 40 degree temps. Daytime temps were in the 60s recently.fall flowersThe trio of Frog & PenguINN gardeners have been busy at fall chores too. Just frogs as penguins don’t like garden work, but prefer playing in the snow (usually in short supply around here).frog gardenersGrenville’s crop of tomatoes and peppers are done for the growing season and the plants were pulled up this week. While the veggies shown here were not salvageable, we did get some good eating ones this summer and some of the peppers were frozen.tomatoes-peppersHe planted some fall lettuce that we enjoyed in salads this week. And the broccoli (see the tiny heads in the middle photo) is doing well, but NOT so for the cauliflower, its leaves are being eaten by unknown predators, which apparently are NOT broccoli fans.broccoli-cauliflowerThe wildflower meadow is done blooming and ready for mulching this weekend as are the yard leaves; are now home to some new critters.meadows end collageHow are things going in your part of the world ?


L. D. said...

Beautiful shots of things that are still alive. The wooly worm knows what is going to happen next.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

those first 3 photos are so great i can't pick which set of oolors i prefer. beautiful an di like that fuzzy thing in the last collage.
have i ever told you we have a town a few miles from her named Ona? it is about an hour drive from here and if we blink, we miss it.

Country Gal said...

Lovely photos ! Your town sounds beautiful ! Our village has just a few more in it then your town . Our part of the world is quiet , cold , sunny for now and all is dornment preparing for when the snow fly's ! Have a good day !

john bain said...

The leaves are falling fast now here in West Sussex England. I always think everywhere else has nicer Autumn colours than here.

Doris said...

Beautiful! It's cold here but we still have some yellow leaves on our trees. Won't be long 'til they are all gone. I'm not a fan of winter so I'll be longing for spring!

grammie g said...

Hi B.....Your collages sure do give a great idea what's going on in you neck of Onley!! : )
Here things are getting pretty dull, and bare, but there is beauty even in black or brown and white ; )

Elaine said...

Good thing you have those frog gardeners to help you out! My yard work is nonexistent right now, but since the snow is not in short supply here I occasionally have to shovel off the deck and fill the bird feeders. Now if I could only catch up on the inside chores.....

possum said...

Send the frogs down the street to my place! Lots to do... more than I can handle!
Took the mower out last week-end to rearrange the leaves. Got another batch still on the trees.
Fall camellias are beautiful, fall azaleas still in bloom.

Anvilcloud said...

The leaves are long gone here, and I am almost wishing for snow to add interest to the world.

Ginnie said...

You are about 5 hours North of me but it seems like you've had much more color. My next blog entry is about that very thing.
Thanks for the variety of pictures.

Leonora said...

Oh, your colors are still beautiful! Thanks for the little 'walk' around your area.

Rebecca said...

Great pictures. Except for the yucky 'mater.; )

Connie said...

You do have a lot of beauty there still! Not much left here. Your pictures are very pretty. I hope you have a nice weekend!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful colors! I wish we at least had those left here.

Have a great day!

Montanagirl said...

Love your collages - especially the fall leaves!

Claire M. King said...

Hello Beatrice,
I peeked at your blog again. Lovely, lovely pictures and I like your sharp writing style. Thanks for sharing.
Claire King

Eggs In My Pocket said...

Such a pretty corner of the world you live in! Here in Texas, the days are pleasant and the nights chilly. There is still quite a lot of "green", but some of the prairie brush is turning yellow and is time for tumbleweeds to be tumbling! There are still some flowers in bloom. Wishing you a Happy Thanksgivng!