
Friday, November 9, 2012

Friday Funnies

So is this WHEN loitering stops OR are these normal working hours . . .

No Loitering

Just wondering


MadSnapper n Beau said...

you guessed it right. we have these here and the homeless are allowed to loiter all day, but not during the night. as in sleeping in public places, our library is crammed with homeless during the times it is open. inside and out

Montanagirl said...

Great sign! So whose "Normal Working Hours" are they referring to? That leaves a lot to interpretation.

barbara l. hale said...

LOL. I think that sign is way too open to interpretation. Of course, if they tried to explain what they mean, it may take four or five signs.

Anonymous said...

Hard to tell really :-)
So it is allowed to loiting during normal working hours then? :-)

Elaine said...

Well, it's state workers, and they don't want them loitering--oops, working after their normal working hours.

Valerie said...

It would be better to have said 'get the hell out of here' ... everyone understands that!

john bain said...

That is a very long night shift. Why would you loiter after all those hours at work? That sign needs looking at. Get it? Sign? Looking at? Never mind. I'll get my coat!

Leonora said...

Ha! Great sign. Only daytime loitering allowed...

possum said...

Or what?
They shoot you?
Take you to that nice warm cozy jail and feed you?
So glad we don't have signs like this around here.

CountryDew said...

We have similar signs around Roanoke, but they are not frequent. One of my favorites said "no stopping" but was next to a stop sign.

Anvilcloud said...

A very curious sign, but I guess Sandra explained it.

Ginnie said...

A strange sign indeed ! One of my favorite things is finding signs that can be read two or three different ways.