
Friday, April 20, 2012

Friday Funnies

Home Depot (and others) try to discourage nesting birds by various means – often it does little goodnursery (3)

Maybe the sign attracted this bird family?nursery (1)



Doris said...

Thanks for the chuckle this morning!

Anvilcloud said...

I just saw something like that for the first time recently. However, it seemed to be working.

Lois Evensen said...

So funny! Perhaps they should put up a row of birdhouses where they wouldn't be a problem, yet the birds and customers would be impressed. Of course, they could have similar bird houses for sale inside.

Out on the prairie said...

A nice place to raise the kids.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

well someone went to a lot of work to discouraged these little sweeties, seems like the work was wasted. so cute, love it

Country Gal said...

Were theres a will theres a way I guess ! Funny proved that idea wrong ! Have a good day !

L. D. said...

They are agile and flexible. It probably helps keep them from falling off the sign.

Christine said...

Thanks for a good laugh this morning! Never underestimate the determination of a bird!
Beatrice you can add raisins, currants or any chopped dried fruit to the soda bread.

HermitJim said...

You just have to love it!

Anonymous said...

I think they just made it much safer to have a nest amongst those spikes :-) :-) :-)

Have a great day!

john bain said...

The deterrent looks like it is helping to keep the nest secure.

Kay G. said...

Ha, ha, that's what they get.
Birds- 1, HOme Depot- Zero!
Good old birds!

Anonymous said...

I had not yet seen this done! Funny! Many times, there will be birds in the garden section at Home Depot eating from a huge bag of bird seed!

I did put a short post on my blog tonight if you get a chance to visit.

Enjoy the weekend.

Sweet Virginia Breeze said...

I've never seen that deterrent before. Doesn't seem to be working very well. Smart birds!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Thanka Everyone for the comments. Glad this post gave many of you a smile for today. This was another time when having a small digital in my pocket was very handy!

Dan said...

Great find and topic!

Lois's suggestion is really great and would be akin to putting a positive on what was thought to be a negative. So... Beatrice, will you accept the challenge and contact your thorny Home Depot? :)

I appreciate your comments and visit to my blog earlier today.

Elaine said...

Cute! There's something about the box stores--here the Ravens like to roost there rather than taking the long trek back to the woods every night--much handier to their favorite food sources.

Montanagirl said...

Too funny. Birds seem to love Home Depot, and Lowe's don't they?

Connie said...

HA! How funny! What better spot to build a nest than in the nursery after all. Have a nice Sunday, Beatrice! :)

momto8 said...

haha I love those smart birds that can read English!
I am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can.

Ginnie said...

To me it looks like a "come on" for the birds. The close up pix is amazing.