
Friday, February 28, 2025

Friday Funnies & Not

This is what waiting for warmer weather looked like on our recent road trip to the White Mountains in NH on a -10℉ morning. During warmer days these porch chairs are the perfect place to relax, of course, in season.
Today is the last day of the month — good great news is that Spring arrives in 20 days.

The recent snowfall was followed by freezing rain and frigid temps, this week's weather was quite balmy in the mid-40s by the end of the week. There's a lot of melting snow and ice around here also large puddles and potholes.

In an entirely different and not funny matter, we're going to NJ this weekend for a family funeral. Patrick's cousin passed away shortly after my college friend (mentioned in a previous post) died. What was interesting to me were a number of similarities in these passings. Both men were named Tom, their Irish surnames started with the letter C, both lived in the same state (NJ), their date of death had the same numbers (Feb 12 and Feb 21), their ages ended in the same number (79 and 89). Dissimilarly only one Tom was married and had children; the other was a lifelong bachelor and their professions differed as well.

The probability is statistically low, but not entirely improbable that two people with the same name would die around the same time. However, figuring out the odds of that happening is nearly impossible, dependent on factors like common names, population demographics, ages, lifestyles, life expectancy and geographic location. In short, it's a very complex and situational calculation. In most cases, like this one, it's purely coincidental and, according to some sources, a matter of chance, which seems to me as the same thing.

Just wondering — has anyone else experienced any coincidental situations ?

Enjoy Your Weekend, Everyone
Call a friend and/or family member if just to say "thinking of you"
Life is too short attributed to Greek physician Hippocrates; repeated through history 


Tom said... is filled with unexplained coincidences!

kathyinozarks said...

what Tom said sorry for your losses hugs

Boud said...

So sorry for your loss. Safe journey.

Rita said...

Life can be quite perplexing.
Sorry for both losses.

Bijoux said...

I would never tell her this, but one of my high school friend’s father passed away on my daughter’s birthday and then last week, her mother passed away on my mother’s birthday. Sort of strange.

Anvilcloud said...

No coincidence like that, but winter is staging a bit of a comeback after a few more agreeable days. 😊

Barbara Rogers said...

I call them cosmic coincidences - and love to observe when they happen in any manner. But there are folks who really stretch things into a kind of irrational manner, oh there's a blue sky and you're wearing a blue shirt!...that kind of silliness. However, it's all irrational.