
Friday, February 28, 2025

Friday Funnies & Not

This is what waiting for warmer weather looked like on our recent road trip to the White Mountains in NH on a -10℉ morning. During warmer days these porch chairs are the perfect place to relax, of course, in season.
Chairs on porch at Mountain View Grand Hotel, Whitefield, NH
Today is the last day of the month — good great news is that Spring arrives in 20 days.

The recent snowfall was followed by freezing rain and frigid temps, this week's weather was quite balmy in the mid-40s by the end of the week. There's a lot of melting snow and ice around here also large puddles and potholes.

In an entirely different and not funny matter, we're going to NJ this weekend for a family funeral. Patrick's cousin passed away shortly after my college friend (mentioned in a previous post) died. What was interesting to me were a number of similarities in these passings. Both men were named Tom, their Irish surnames started with the letter C, both lived in the same state (NJ), their date of death had the same numbers (Feb 12 and Feb 21), their ages ended in the same number (79 and 89). Dissimilarly only one Tom was married and had children; the other was a lifelong bachelor and their professions differed as well.

The probability is statistically low, but not entirely improbable that two people with the same name would die around the same time. However, figuring out the odds of that happening is nearly impossible, dependent on factors like common names, population demographics, ages, lifestyles, life expectancy and geographic location. In short, it's a very complex and situational calculation. In most cases, like this one, it's purely coincidental and, according to some sources, a matter of chance, which seems to me as the same thing.

Just wondering — has anyone else experienced any coincidental situations ?

Enjoy Your Weekend, Everyone
Call a friend and/or family to say "thinking of you"
Life is short attributed to Greek physician Hippocrates; repeated through history 

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Light Show & Concerts

Memories of Christmas past is the theme of this post, not ones from long ago, just in 2024, which now seems rather long ago. Does anyone else feel this year is going too fast?

This post came about after I looked through drafts after several bloggers commented about finding drafts they started but never posted. The same is true for myself, and is why this post dates back to last year's holiday season and was completed this week.

To recap, December was a stay-at-home month for us, not in the sense of staying in the apt, but staying local and enjoying nearby events. This included seeing holiday lights at an area winery and going to several concerts at the downtown Nashua Arts Center. The events were our holiday gifts to ourselves — it's all about experiences!
Holiday light show at LaBelle Winery, Derry, NH
We've been to some holiday light displays in past years, but this was our first successful visit to one at the LaBelle Winery in Derry, NH. Plans to attend last year were upended when a wine storm blew down many of the displays.
We went on a very warm evening in early December. The light display,
 set up on the winery's golf course, featured over a million lights in various holiday displays. It started a couple of weeks before Thanksgiving 2024 and ran through the first week in January 2025.
Our Crazy Hats at LaBelle Lights
LaBelle Lights featured several theme weeks, including holiday card week, holiday pajama week, Santa costume week, crazy holiday hat week, ugly holiday sweater week, find the hidden elf week and ‘80s ski week.

 We attended during crazy hats week. My barely visible hat was penguin-themed and Patrick sported a Santa cap.
It took just under a half hour to walk through the display which was not a timed event so that there was no rush to get through it. 
This event could be a pricey family outing for the holidays. General admission tickets were $18 for adults, $12 for seniors age 65+, $8 for children age 4 to 12 and free admission for children 3 and under. But, the way to reduce the admission cost was to attend on
Twinkle Tuesdays when all tickets were 50 percent off — and that's when we went with two friends.
This event was a one-and-done for us. It was a nice holiday season outing last year, but we're good without a return visit. Maybe you've gone to events and felt the same afterwards?

Nashua Center for the Arts on Main Street, Nashua, NH
In December, we attended several concerts at the local arts center which is within walking distance of our mill apartment. Here's a few photos with some brief info about the performers.

Sara Evans
Sara Lynn Evans is an American country music singer, songwriter, record producer, actress, and author. She's sold over 6 million albums with five number one hits on the Billboard country song chart and is well-regarded for her singing, songwriting and record production. 
Canadian Brass
Canadian Brass is a brass quintet that was formed in 1970 in Toronto, Ontario. The group is known for the use of humor in their live performances and an irreverent attitude that includes their signature attire of formal black suits and white running shoes. They've recorded over 170 CDs and DVDs and performed internationally. Canadian Brass made its American debut at the Kennedy Center in Washington, DC, in 1975. 
The Tenors
The Tenors (formerly The Canadian Tenors) are an international vocal group consisting of Victor Micallef, Clifton Murray, Alberto Urso and Mark Masri. They perform operatic pop music that's a mixture of classical and pop. They have performed in Carnegie Hall, the Kennedy Center, the Israeli Opera House, and in Las Vegas.

About these images — A point and shoot digital camera was used to take photos of the outdoor holiday lights. An iPhone was used for the indoor concert images. Admittedly, I had better results with the indoor photos than the outdoor night ones, which were handheld. 
As for taking photos of the performers, at all of these shows, the only announced restriction was for no flash photography or audio recordings. I did neither.

How about you — Do you have posts in draft form that you will someday complete ?
A fellow blogger, Jon, The Lone Wolf Concerto, (a link on my sidebar) is going through very rough times (an understatement) and remains hospitalized for various medical issues. While there's little that can be done as far as fellow bloggers helping physically, kindness can include leaving a positive comment or sending a card: He's posted his address, if you want to snail-mail a message or card: Jon Varga, Signature HealthCare, 208 N. Duncan St., Room 601, Jamestown, TN 38556.

Friday, February 21, 2025

Friday Funnies

Snow fooling around this post is about ❄️ which, many folks except ☃️may be tired of now

Last weekend, Nashua, NH, like so many other states, had a winter storm with snow, rain and then very cold 🥶 temps this week. Everyone is tired of winter weather.
"Familiar" winter scenes taken from safely and warmly indoors 
Folks familiar with this blog will recognize the above locations — the view from our mill apt window and roadways visible from a 5th floor hall window. We weren't going anywhere during and shortly after the weekend winter storm — temps have stayed in the single digits overnight and 20s daytime all week. Main roadways are clear, but many side streets and city sidewalks have areas of solid ice, including the local library.
One thing that abundant snow is good are sculptures like these on display at the Great Glen Trails Outdoor Center in Gorham, NH, where we went for my SnowCoach birthday trip.
There were about a dozen of these sculptures behind the outdoor center. We were told that they had been completed a few days before. Several were quite complex, not to mention unusual, but none identified the creation or the snow sculptor. These had been created during the Jackson Invitational Snow Sculpting Competition on the weekend prior to our visit.
Patrick with his favorite sculpture, which was also the largest one. It's the closest he wants to get to a moose. Despite seeing Moose Crossings signs on the highways, we've never seen a moose actually crossing the road, thankfully.
Meanwhile, these snow folks are staying indoors outside residents' entry doors.

This truck was seen on Main Street yesterday with a load of snow and Do No Follow
Maybe, it's going to a secret snow location. (I know that's not really true, but just maybe?)

Enjoy Your Weekend, Everyone 
Warm trend coming here, weekend temps in the 30s

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Celebrate Kindness

In 1879, the U.S. declared the birthday of the first U.S. President George Washington birthday as a federal holiday and later it morphed into a joint celebration for the 16th President Abraham Lincoln.

That holiday now called Presidents' Day was celebrated yesterday and was a holiday for many school children, USPS and bank employees and others as well as a day of sales.

But, what I didn't know was that since the mid 1990s, the date of February 17, has been celebrated as Random Acts of Kindness Day in the U.S.

In a post last Friday, I noted that Random Acts of Kindness week started on Feb 9, so my timing for the post was a bit late.

It's never too late to celebrate kindness.

A day after that post, Sandra (MadSnapper blog) posted about having experienced two unexpected acts of kindness. Sadly, the same day she learned of the death of her dear friend, Jackie. Sandra mentioned she later read my post that mentioned random acts of kindness. She believes the ones she received earlier helped her heart process her friend's passing. 

Tom, my friend
I know how Sandra felt receiving with such news as today I received a call from his niece that my friend,Tom, had passed in his sleep a few days ago. His niece, Georgie, shared how much it meant to him that Tom and I kept in contact, although we hadn't seen one another since college, by  phone calls, text messages and cards. I remember that years ago, Tom's Christmas greeting would be the first one received and always had a poem about friendship. As his health declined, he no longer sent cards. Every holiday season, I remembered and made sure to send him the first holiday card, although I didn't have the poem.

What's the point of this post?
Quite simply it's that kindness comes in so many forms and costs little. 

We never truly know when a kind word or act will help us or others. I believe that unseen angels are all around. And, I am sure, that many of us have practiced and experienced kindness in small or big ways, like: saying hello to someone on the street or in an elevator, giving a compliment, letting someone go ahead of you in a line, donating to a charity, listening to someone, volunteering, writing a letter, calling someone, thanking someone, sending cards for no special reason — the list is endless . . .

Learning More
The Random Acts of Kindness movement started over 40 years ago in the San Francisco Bay Area when, in 1982, writer, editor and activist Anne Herbert wrote the phrase random kindness and senseless acts of beauty  which, according to some accounts, was reportedly based on the workind random acts of violence and senseless acts of cruelty

Herbert also wrote an article about random kindness in a 1982 article in CoEvolution Quarterly (1974-1985), a journal descended from the Whole Earth Catalog. This was an American counterculture magazine/product catalog published and edited by Stewart Brand from 1968 to 1972 which focused on product reviews, but also featured essays and articles. 

After Herbert's article appeared, the kindness movement spread in surrounding communities.

In 1991, a CA woman saw the phrase written on a wall in her neighborhood. She shared it with her  teacher husband who then shared it with his students. One of those students was the daughter of a San Francisco Chronicle columnist, who wrote about Herbert and the phrase. The article was picked up nationally by Reader’s Digest and later reprinted by the editors of Conari Press, a small Berkeley, CA publishing company founded in 1987 and known for releasing titles dealing with spirituality, personal growth, parenting and social issues.
Inspired by the phrase and those involved in the movement, in 1993 Conari Press published a children's book, Random Acts of Kindness, written by Anne Herbert that highlighted true stories of acts of kindness. Readers of the book, and followers of the phrase, began creating local Random Acts of Kindness Days. (Herbert died in CA in 2015 at age 65; however, copies of the book are still available for purchase online.)
In February 1995, the first national Random Acts of Kindness Day happened with participants coast-to-coast. Conari Press funded and facilitated this initial event. 
That same year, the Random Acts of Kindness (RAK) Foundation was created in the CA Bay Area to facilitate future celebrations. These would occur annually during Valentine’s Day week in February. 

While, I couldn't find an exact timeframe, online articles indicated that within a short time, the RAK foundation was purchased by a private foundation and relocated to Denver, CO. Now, this small non-profit organization invests resources in making kindness the norm by inspiring and facilitating kindness through free resources that focus on schools, workplaces, homes and communities. 

Donations Not Accepted
According to its website, the foundation does not do grant money and neither does it accept donations, but is privately endowed. It provides online resources for individuals to create kindness in their own communities, but does not offer facilitated opportunities. Digital materials are found at its website:

There's Another Kindness Day 
A similar annual celebration is held November 13 when World Kindness Day is celebrated to promote awareness of global goodwill by encouraging people to perform acts of kindness. Introduced in 1998 by the World Kindness Movement, it's observed worldwide.

Now, I know the rest of the story and so do all of you
Kindness is contagious — pass it on.

Friday, February 14, 2025

Friday Funnies

Today, February 14, the U.S. celebrates Valentine's Day with candy, flowers, greeting cards and romantic dinners. Other countries worldwide have own unique ways to celebrate the day. My personal preference is to call it Hearts ❤️ Day.
Maxine at Hudson, NH, senior center
Maxine is decked out for the day at the senior center, we attend as members. This lady is a regular at the center and is always dressed for a holiday occasion.
John Wagner, creator of Maxine
In 1986, 25-year old Hallmark™ artist John Wagner created an edgy old lady he called Maxine for the Shoebox Greetings card line. He said that he based the character on family members, his mother, grandmother and maiden aunts, who helped raise him. Wagner retired from Hallmark in 2011. Maxine has not retired and is still going very popular.

❤️ In 1982, magazine writer and editor Anne Herbert coined the phrase "practice random kindness and senseless acts of beauty." Random Acts of Kindness Week, started Feb 9 but can should always continue with selfless acts that make others happy and these small acts. There are many bloggers, including some on my side bar list, who are going through difficult times and would enjoy receiving comments. Surely, you also know of others as well. If so, you might consider a mention or link to his/her blog on yours. ❤️

We never go out on this date. After our usual Friday dominoes get together at the senior center today, our evening will consist of making homemade pizza, enjoying adult beverages and watching a couple of rom-com films from our DVD collection.

How about you — Any Special Plans for today, evening or weekend?

Enjoy Your Weekend, Everyone & Happy ❤️ Day
There's more snow forecast for Nashua, NH

Thursday, February 13, 2025

A Winter 🎂 Getaway

Winter has definitely arrived in NH the past few weeks with several snowfalls here in Nashua. While many folks are longing for someplace with warmer temps, we opted for a snowy, cold getaway in the White Mountains for my 🎂 celebration. Admittedly, we never need any reason for a road trip.
Although, it had snowed a few days earlier, we traveled on cleared main highways with blue skies views that were winter postcard perfect.

We stayed once again at the Mountain View Grand Hotel. This wasn't our first trip to one of America's few remaining grand hotels that's listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
Mountain View Grand Hotel, Whitefield, NH
This was not our first stay in the hotel and we received a return visitor discount and perhaps a nicer room for my birthday (shamelessly mentioned when booking). We had first visited in 2016 for our traditional first date anniversary celebration and have returned several times, most recently in 2022. 
Spacious and open main lobby, part of front porch and bar
The hotel's start as a guest house dates to 1865 when it began as the Mountain View House. Its history was explained in this 2016 post, so won't be repeated here.) Unfortunately, its claim for oldest operating elevator in the state of NH is history. The elevator has been deemed unsafe and is out of service per a posted notice.
Our room provided wonderful mountain views
This corner room had outstanding views of the Presidential Mountain range, which are not all named after presidents. The highest peak is Mt Washington, named after George Washington by the Rev. Manasseh Cutler after he climbed it in 1784.
The rest of the presidential peaks were named in a single day in the summer of 1820. A group from Lancaster, NH, hired Ethan Crawford as their guide because of his mountaineering skills. 
Sunset on the Presidential range
As the tallest peak was already named for Washington, the next tallest was named for second president, John Adams, continuing down the line with Jefferson, Madison and Monroe. When the naming party ran out of presidents, two peaks remained. One was named after Benjamin Franklin, the other was named Mt Pleasant; in 1969 a vote of the NH legislature renamed it Mt Eisenhower.
Morning drive to our destination along a winter wonderland 
The day after our arrival, we were up early for a 45-minute drive to the destination of this adventure, the 
Great Glen Trails Outdoor Center in Pinkham Notch. There was an overnight snowfall of a few inches and while roadways were clear, the trees were beautifully snow-covered. At times we were the lone car on the road, a wonderful wintry experience.

Many folks claim bragging rights (we did too) of having driven the Mt Washington Auto Road in summer by a This Car Climbed Mt. Washington sticker placed on their car; however, there's something unique about making the trip in winter 🥶 — but not in our car.

This white utility van with four triangular tracks vs. wheels maneuvers the snow-covered Mt. Washington Auto Road in the winter months
Instead, this was the reason for our getaway adventure, a trip in this Mt Washington SnowCoach. We joined 4 other passengers (it can take 8) for a 90-minute trip which doesn't travel to the Mt Washington summit, but only to the winter turnoff, a clearing that sits just above 4,200 feet elevation. This also called the tree line found at high elevations and high latitudes. It's the point at which trees, aside from small shrubs, can't grow, due to conditions that are too dry, cold or windy. Tree line and timberline are terms often used interchangeably.

The drivers for each rig are knowledgeable about the terrain and history of the area. The 90-minute tour ascends to 4,200 feet in elevation. Reservations are required. We booked the senior mid-week rate at $69/person (discounted from the peak $89 rate during holidays).
The rubber tracks provide stability on the road which averages a 12% grade
The Mt. Washington SnowCoach has four triangular tracks instead of wheels. These rubber tracks, similar to tank treads (also called Mattracks) allow the SnowCoach to travel over snow, ice or thin patches of bare road without damaging the surface and provide stability on the winding road which averages a 12% grade. Similar vehicles use a ski system vs. tracks, depending on the terrain and conditions. 

How the SnowCoach Began
When the Mount Washington Summit Road Company first opened the Great Glen Trails Outdoor Center in 1994, one of the activities offered was a ride up to “Halfway” on the Auto Road, using a diesel-powered snowcat outfitted with a passenger cabin.  The plan was to provide transportation for skiers to descend the bottom half of the road, which was being groomed simultaneously each run by the snowcat. The plan proved to be cost-prohibitive; however, the idea of a winter tour with a unique snow-laden scenery, was established. The company shifted from using the snowcat to a passenger van, named the SnowCoach.

Prepping for Performance
By 8 a.m., SnowCoach drivers arrive and go through their own vehicle checks which include the track system, vehicle interior, and cleanliness of the windows for clearest viewing. Several times during our tour, Bruce topped to clear the windows from blowing snow and ice. After each day's run, a SnowCoach is taken to maintenance building and checked out before the next ascent. Our driver, Bruce, informed us that there's a complete inspection of the tracks and the van’s mechanical parts, checking fluids, belts, fuel lines and brake systems. 
Bruce, our SnowCoach driver and guide, gave me a front row seat
It’s a loud and rumbling ride because of these treads. Our driver, Bruce, told us he had been a driver for a number of years. As a birthday treat (never be bashful about sharing) that's me in the front passenger seat. My only function was to enjoy the ride as Bruce provided a running commentary and we checked out the surrounds. 
The start of the tour was clear and calm
The trip began in a Northeastern hardwood forest and was relatively calm after the SnowCoach left the base of the Auto Road at Great Glen Trails Outdoor Center. There's 3 tours daily with more than five vans equipped to run in peak periods, weather permitting, December through March. Vans have been converted to bi-fuel, letting them operate on cleaner-burning, less expensive propane or conventional gasoline. The first tour leaves before 10 am, another at mid-day and a final one around 2 pm. We were on the mid-day tour as the tour start was a 45-minute drive from our hotel.
The higher we went, the more extreme the weather became with blowing snow
As more elevation was gained, the trees become stunted, misshaped by continuous exposure to wind and cold. The winds became more noticeable and also audible, but the coach was very comfortable and warm. According to our driver and guide, Bruce, the outside temperature was about -4°F with a windchill factor of -22°F degrees and 40 mph winds.
While everyone else departed in the subarctic temps, I stayed warm in the van
Our tour stopped at the Top of the Tour, the winter turnoff having traveled through various landscapes to reach 4,200-feet elevation (4.25 to 4.5 miles) at treeline, the border to the alpine zone with subarctic conditions. While Grenville joined Bruce and the other passengers in braving the harsh outside conditions on a mountain known for the world's most severe weather for photos, I remained inside the warm and comfortable van. We learned that while views can be amazing on a sunnier day, this wasn't the case on our tour. The group didn't stay out more than five minutes in the blowing wind, snow and very cold temps before re-boarding for our trip back to the base.
Visibility became reduced on the way down due to white-outs
These photos show the blowing snow on the way down without trees to block the blowing snow, drifting can occur.. A couple of times, our driver stopped until visibility cleared a bit. SnowCoaches reach the Alpine zones safely due to night-time grooming by Great Glen’s grooming crew plus constant monitoring of conditions by drivers throughout the day. We learned that the last tour the day we traveled had been canceled because of blowing snow and whiteouts. Forgot to mention that those seeing more adventure can ride up in the SnowCoach and then cross-country ski or snowshoe back down the Auto Road. 

A bladed snowcat is required to climb higher on the mountain which is why the SnowCoach tours do not attempt to summit Mount Washington.
SnowCats transport staff to and from the Mt Washington Observatory
A highlight of the trip was seeing these two snowcat vehicles that the Mount Washington Observatory uses to transport staff to and from the summit during the winter. The snowcat is similar to a groomer used at ski resorts. It has a plow on the front and large treads like a tank. It can carry up to a dozen people.
We had a wonderful experience for my birthday celebration
This trip was definitely a wonderful, but one-time, experience. Now, we have traveled on Mt Washington three ways — by auto (2019), cog railway (2017) and SnowCoach (2025). We have no future plans to hike, ski or snowshoe the mountain.

Every spring, the Mt. Washington Auto Road closes its winter SnowCoach operations and gets working on clearing the road of snow for summer travel. It's a long process. In the 1800s, it was done by hand with shovels and often wasn’t complete until July 4 weekend. Now, there's the advantage of heavy machinery to complete this project. It uses the snowcat and a specialty designed hot-water “drill” to clear culverts of ice.

About the Mt Washington Auto Road & Cog Railway
Our Auto Road trip
The Auto Road is America’s oldest man-made tourist attraction. It's a steep, narrow mountain road with no guardrails. There have been three fatalities since it opened. In 1880, a stagecoach driven by a drunk driver overturned, killing a passenger. In 1984, a vehicle lost its brakes and crashed about a mile up the road. In 2009, a motorcycle crashed. 

Construction of the road began in 1853 with a charter from the State of New Hampshire. The 7.6-mile Auto Road opened in August of 1861 as the Mt Washington Carriage Road and its first travelers went to the summit by a team of horses and a carriage specially-built by the Abbot-Downing Company of Concord. 

What surprises many is that the road is privately owned and maintained. The Auto Road and the Glen House Hotel first came into joint ownership in 1906 when Elihu Libby purchased the rights to the Auto Road. His descendants own and operate the Auto Road, Great Glen Trails Outdoor Center and the nearby Glen House Hotel. The family-owned company has been providing safe access to the summit of Mt Washington for over 115 years.

Over the years, travel on the auto road has advanced from horse-drawn vehicles to steam engines and internal combustion to hybrid and electric powered vehicles.  Over 50,000 cars drive it annually taking about 30 minutes to ascend the 7.6 mile road and from 30 to 45 minutes to come down depending on traffic, weather and if a stop is needed to cool the car brakes. 
We rode the Cog Railway in 2017
The Mount Washington Cog Railway, also known as the Cog, is the world's first mountain-climbing cog railway (rack-and-pinion railway). The railway climbs Mt Washington using a rack system and both steam and biodiesel-powered locomotives to carry tourists to the top of the mountain. It's been in continuous operation since 1869 with service interruptions only during the World Wars.

It is the second-steepest rack railway in the world, after the Pilatus Railway in Switzerland, with an average grade of over 25% and a maximum grade of 37%. The railway is approximately 3 miles  long and ascends Mount Washington's western slope, beginning at an elevation of approximately 2,700 feet above sea level and ending just short of the mountain's summit peak of 6,288 feet
Postscript: Many of us learned this week of a fellow blogger's passing. John Haggar, the blogger of By Stargoose and Hanglands passed away last weekend from cancer. His cousin, Sue, posted the update on her blog, Granny Sue's News where you can find more information. John's blog, which included photos and information about walking tours with his brother, Les, were a delight to read. I have left the link to John's blog on my sidebar for anyone who wants to see some of his beautiful photos. My condolences to his family. John will be missed.