
Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Parading for Veterans

Nashua, NH, held its annual Veterans Day parade yesterday. It started at 11:11 am, which marks the exact time and date when WW I official ended with the signing of the armistice on November 11, 1918 on the 11th hour of the 11h day of the 11th month. 

The marchers gathered in Holman Stadium then proceeded a short distance to the main parade route on Main St. The parade had been cancelled in 2023 due to bad weather. It usually lasts about 15 minutes with a luncheon for participants afterwards.
Start of the parade down Main Street, Nashua, NH
There is no apostrophe in Veterans Day as this day doesn't belong to a single veteran (veteran’s) or multiple veterans (veterans’) as a possessive apostrophe would signify. It is a day for honoring all veterans, no apostrophe is required.
Local police and fire members are always in the lead 
Veterans Day (originally Armistice Day) is a federal holiday in the U.S. observed annually on November 11th to honor military veterans. It was renamed in 1954 after President Dwight Eisenhower signed a bill rededicating it after the return of service personnel from WW II and the Korean War. Federal and state offices are closed as are post offices and banks. Most schools are also closed although it's not a requirement.
These participants dressed in period costumes 
The widespread use of the poppy flower to commemorate veterans began in WW I. Moina Michael, an American woman, was inspired by the 1915 poem In Flanders’ Fields, written by Canadian soldier and physician, Major John McCrae. In this poem, McCrae described the poppies that blow between the crosses, row on row, a reference to the blood-red flowers that sprang up among the soldiers’ graves. Michael sold poppy flower corsages to raise money for veterans and their families.
School bands from Nashua schools 
The first Veterans Day celebration took place in Birmingham, AL, in 1947 when Raymond Weeks, a WW II veteran, organized a National Veterans Day celebration. This event which took place on November 11 included a parade and other festivities to honor veterans.
The parade included several vehicles, but is mostly a pedestrian event 
It wasn't always celebrated on November 11. In 1968, Congress passed the Uniform Holiday Bill. This bill assigned the fourth Monday of October as the date for Veterans Day, but many states disapproved of this decision. In 1975, President Gerald Ford returned Veterans Day to November 11.
This young lady received a lot of applause as she twirled down Main St 
In 2016, President Barack Obama signed the Veterans Day Moment of Silence Act. Each Veterans Day at 2:11 p.m. EST, the current president will order a moment of silence lasting two minutes.
Parade viewers included family groups, local schools closed for the day 
NYC hosts the nation's largest and oldest Veterans Day parade with a procession along Manhattan's Fifth Avenue. An estimated 20,000 marchers were expected to participate this year. The city hosted the first parade to honor veterans on September 10, 1919. It was called the Victory Parade and celebrated Army Gen. John J. Pershing and 25,000 soldiers. 
Just a couple of the various youth organizations 
Arlington National Cemetery in Washington, DC, is the central location for official and national ceremonies dedicated to Veterans Day. Ceremonies are held at the memorial amphitheater, where the Tomb of the Unknowns is located.
Muskets were fired several times along the parade route 
Other countries including the United Kingdom, Canada and Australia also honor veterans on or near November 11 where this day of commemoration is called Remembrance DayThere are similarities and differences between these observances and America's Veterans Day.

Your turn — Did any observances take place in your state or country ?


kathyinozarks said...

Informative post-thanks

Jeanie said...

Thanks for this, Dorothy. And nice photos, too.I haven't been to a good parade in a long time!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

wow, this was a super duper parade, something for everyone. I love the red coat soldiers, and the marching bands. I have always been fascinated with marching bands.. a parade I would have enjoyed

Tom said... had a fabulous day for the parade and a wonderful turnout. Thanks for sharing!

Bijoux said...

Sadly, I was not aware of any here.

Barbara Rogers said...

We have a little parade, with our two high schools sending their ROTC students...and fire trucks etc. Loved seeing the Revolutionary War outfits in your much bigger parade!

Pamela M. Steiner said...

This was so interesting! Thank you for sharing all the details with us. Sadly, there wasn't any parade or activity here, but we live in a very small town. I did notice that our local VFW Hall was packed last evening, so they probably had something going on there. The bigger cities near us had special activities, but we did not attend. I love that your city has such a big parade that it appears everyone participates in! Love to see that! Thank you for sharing this with us. Now I feel like I've been to a parade!

Rita said...

That was quite the parade with the uniforms and everything! Nice! :)

photowannabe said...

Thank you for sharing all this information today. I had forgotten so much of the reasons for the date, etc.
I really don't think kids know anything about it really, except its a day off from school.
We do have local parades in our adjoining cities. Wish we had attended but the rain kept us home.
Many of the cemeteries near by have flags and special ceremonies too.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Wow, this is a huge parade! You must have been right in the front. Is it close to your home? We do not have any parades around here that I know of for Veterans Day. Love the teenage baton twirler!

diane b said...

You always have such informative posts. Great photos too. Yes we have Remembrance Day on the 11 Nov. There are parades and services all over the country but we don't have a holiday. Our village organised a service and wreath laying ceremony followed by morning tea.

baili said...

i just read the poem at Jan's blog dear Dorothy
thank you so much for wonderful highlights of the parade in your city
i enjoyed each bit of it
best wishes!

gigi-hawaii said...

Quite a show of respect for our country and veterans.

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Good photographs and information

Marie Smith said...

Remembrance Day services were held all across Canada. Our local one was indoors this year due to the high winds and rain. Hope you both had a great day!

David said...

Hi Beatrice, Since both of our fathers and uncles on both sides of the family all served in the military, we appreciate the efforts of many with celebrations honoring their service across the USA. Here in East Tennessee, there were several parades and many ceremonies honoring those who have and are serving. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Michelle said...

What a wonderful celebration for the veterans!