
Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Good to Be Home

Yes, we're back home in Nashua, NH, after a 14-day road trip and thankfully we had great weather all along the route. Patrick's Jeep logged 4,500 miles on our travels from NH to Maine then to Canada and back again. We found out that our U.S. Passport cards did work at the border crossings. We also had our passports with us (just in case).
This road trip was a celebration of sorts — the 27th 🥂 anniversary of our first date in May 1997.  We celebrated that event on a 2-day stop in Bar Harbor, ME, that included a visit to Acadia National Park. The park contains Cadillac Mountain, which is the tallest mountain on the U.S. Atlantic Coast. Here we walked on exposed granite domes and glacial erratics. The views at this summit are so popular in season that reservations are needed to drive up; luckily, our visit was a week before the start of reservations.
While in Maine, we visited with former VA neighbors and friends, who relocated to Brunswick, a few years before we also relocated to New England. They showed us an nature preserve where daffodils, forget me nots and daffodils were in colorful bloom.

In addition to seeing many new-to-us places, we enjoyed a first-time meet-up with blog friends in Canada, a wonderful experience and we're glad that they were available to meet us on this trip.
Thanks to Rain, who we met in Saint John, New Brunswick, at the Reserving Falls. This very unique location will be posted about later. You can find Rain's recipes and artwork at
Also, thanks to Marie and Rick, who not only met us where they live on Prince Edward Island, but showed us some of their favorite walking places and shared an outdoor picnic lunch The above photos were taken on one of our excursions. While no photos of our meet-up will be posted here, you can see Marie's wonderful nature shots at
Here in New England, we are most familiar with grey squirrels and on another walk with Marie and Rick, we were introduced to the red squirrel. These were very used to humans bearing treats in the form of unshelled peanuts. This species range includes most of Canada, the southern half of Alberta and the southwestern coast of British Columbia; the southern half of Alaska; the Rocky Mountains area of the U.S. and northern half of the eastern U.S. I've never seen one here in Nashua, NH.

As anyone who has been away for a few days or longer knows, homecoming brings the usual litany of laundry, grocery shopping, cleaning and bill paying 😟 — all of which we've been doing. As Dorothy famously said in the 1939 film,The Wizard of Oz —There's no place like home. We wholeheartedly concur with that sentiment.

There were other highlights of this trip; however, the joy of meeting fellow bloggers was the biggest. Both meet-ups were wonderful and highly recommended if you're ever traveling and get a similar chance — just do it !

Future posts will highlight more of our travels. Thanks to all for the well wishes.


kathyinozarks said...

Good morning, sounds like a lovely trip meeting blog friends and lovely outdoor views. Really sounds wonderful and perfect-hugs Kathy

Tom said... is great, but home is special.

Barbara Rogers said...

Welcome home! You all sure did a lot of driving to get that many miles under your belts. So glad you met with fellow bloggers, a rather unique species!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

wow on the miles you traveled. love the top photo, looks almost like a moon landing. what a fun trip and glad you are home safe and sound and happy to be in home sweet home...

Linda P said...

That's a lot of driving, but the trip sounds fabulous and a chance to meet up with friends along the way. I like travelling, but it sure is good to get back home safely with happy memories of your time spent away.

Kathy G said...

It sounds like a lovely trip.

Bijoux said...

So many gorgeous photos of nature! Sounds like fun and how special to meet up with bloggers along the way.

DUTA said...

Great photos of landscapes, flowers and wildlife!
It's always good to get home, but when we reach third age, getting home is almost like.. resuming life.

gigi-hawaii said...

David's father was born in Boiestown, New Brunswick. Interesting to see flora and fauna in Canada. Also great to meet up with blog friends!

Marcia said...

Welcome back to NH. Sounds like a great trip.

tz_garden said...

Sounds like a very fun trip! Always good to be home and sleep in your own bed.

Marie Smith said...

Good to read you again, Dorothy. Thanks for the shout out…Marie

Ginny Hartzler said...

No Red Squirrels around here, but I have always wanted to see one. You got great shots of the Blue Heron! Welcome home, I hope all your chores are done now and you can rest.

Emma Springfield said...

It was a wonderful way to celebrate a special anniversary. The pictures of the animals make me feel good.

photowannabe said...

Oh, your trip sounds delightful, especially meeting fellow bloggers. I would love to do that someday.
Those flowers at the nature preserve are gorgeous and I'm so glad you had great weather on your trip. That was a win-win.
Happy getting back down to everyday livng.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

What a beautiful trip you took! Love the photos. Did you visit The House of Green Gables while in PEI? I hope so. That would be my first destination. So wonderful you met some great people also on your trip. Looks like you celebrated your anniversary in the best kind of style!! Love it!

Carola Bartz said...

That must have been a beautiful trip, but I can easily understand that meeting your blogging friends was the highlight. How nice that you were able to celebrate your first date anniversary in Acadia National Park. We spent a few days camping there back in the summer of 2007. Things must have changed quite a bit - we didn't need a reservation to go up Cadillac Mountain and even getting a campsite was no problem at all. We did like Acadia NP a lot. I look forward to your posts about your trip.

My name is Erika. said...

It sounds like a great trip. I recognized the view from Cadillac Mountain. And don't you have red squirrels in Nashua? We have them at my house. I like them better than greys and I bet they could easily get used to people if you fed them. I can't wait to see more of your journey. hugs-Erika

Rita said...

Looks like a wonderful trip...meeting up in person with online friends, too. Love the little red squirrels! Bet it is good to be home, though. ;)

Red said...

What a great trip and when you meet bloggers it's a bonus.

MARY G said...

Great to be travelling and great to meet friends. I took my great niece on a raft on the reversing falls. It was extremely muddy and a great ride. But I was, um, younger and no doubt, stupider.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Welcome home after what was doubtless a great trip. It was good to be on PEI before summer madness takes over.

Barwitzki said...

I congratulate you on the great tour and on 27 years together... so wonderful. All the best.
Thank you for your beautiful photos. Meeting blogging friends is absolutely wonderful, I've had that too.
We have a good number of pretty squirrels in our various parks.
I look forward to your next photos.
Lots of love from Viola

Anvilcloud said...

Before you stated it, I wondered if we'd see pics of the PEI duo, for it occurred to me that we never had. I hadn't thought about it before.

I am familiar with red squirrels but only a few of them make their way to our town environs. I am surprised that the PEI ones are 'tame'.

Sandra said...

Red squirrels are also in MN. They are aggressive little things! This looks like a wonderful trip and that is a lot of miles! It's so much fun to meet people you've only known online.

Sandy said...

Wonderful photo's. You really put in lots of miles! How cool you got to meet up with a blogfriend. Right you are when you get home there's always catch up, no matter how organized you are.
Sandy's Space

Jeanie said...

What a wonderful road trip and happy date anniversary! It looks like you really covered some territory. I would love to meet Rain -- I so enjoy her blog!

nick said...

Yes, it's fun meeting other bloggers, but a number of the blogmates I've met in the past have given up blogging. So now there's only one remaining blogmate I've met and she's in Sydney! My US blogmates are so scattered across the country there's little chance of meeting any of them unfortunately.

baili said...

I was trying to read all your posts during breaks when I can use laptop in the absence of my youngest son and in the presence of power as well dear Dorothy.
It kept springing in my mind that I probably missed your post about your visit to the the Prince island. And I got it finally 😍
What a joy to see these beautiful photos ❤
Heartfelt congrats for being able to celebrate anniversary in such gorgeous location. Views are exceptionally spectacular ❤
You guys look amazing and happy by the grace of God ❤
I know how exciting it must be to meet blogging friends 😍🤗❤
I agree this joy surpassed the rest 😊
Loved your pics with Rain!
I visit her blog often.she is very talented.
Marie has mentioned your meet up so thanks to her I could reach this wonderful post.
Sending best wishes and love for you my friend ❤