
Monday, March 13, 2023

Home Bookcases

It's always interesting to read about and see what other bloggers have in their homes. In the interest of sharing too, this post presents an overview of our living room (LR) bookcases.

Our LR bookcases don't hold novels even though we both enjoy reading. The two small bedroom bookcases hold some fiction and nonfiction reads. There's a lot of sale books there, some read and others waiting to be enjoyed.

However, the LR bookcases do have books and other things, which hold meaning. There are five bookcases, four of which have traveled from our NJ and VA homes to our current NH apartment. The fifth one was a giveaway from a fellow resident that perfectly matched our existing ones, a wonderful surprise! 

Regular blog readers may know that Grenville and myself enjoy cooking at home. One bookcase holds our too many cookbooks on three shelves. (The top shelf has framed photos.)
Recently, some of these cookbooks were purged and are no longer in our collection. They went to friends and a local thrift store. But, in recent weeks, a new one, Simple One-Pan Wonders (Jamie Oliver) was added as Grenville's ♥️ day gift from me, so more recipes to try.
The bottom bookshelf holds several holiday cookbooks plus cookbooks from both our late mothers. It's also storage for several of The South Beach Diet books, which we sometimes use.
Regular readers of this blog know of our fondness for travel, especially road trips, which is why travel books fill up a couple of bookshelves. Those shown on the top shelf focus on New England states we've visited or revisited. The basket is full of more travel brochures and maps.
As someone who prefers photos to digital images, another bookcase is dedicated to family/travel photo albums. None of these are labelled on the spine, but there is a system, also there are a number of blank albums bought for possible future use.

The three taller albums in the photo above (left) have grandchildren photos from infancy to present day. Other albums hold photos of various family members, another has photos of our former homes, a few more contain our travel and friends photos.

I've often ordered too many photo reprints and have cut down, but still order prints after holidays/special occasions/travels to send copies to family members.

Just wondering—does anyone else keep photo albums too? 
Framed family photos and collages are on the shelves of two other bookcases. These photos celebrate weddings, birthdays, holidays and other events. 

Other folks we know don't exhibit as many family photos, however, we enjoy keeping the memory of family and friends close by and looking at these photos makes us happy.
The shelf in the top photo is the top one of the cookbooks bookcase and shows photos of our much-younger selves. We're also featured in the photos on the wall. That wall hanging is a favorite expression that's so true and seemed to fit here perfectly.
Vintage photos of our parents and other family members are framed on another bookshelf. The top four-image frame shows our parents, his (left) and mine (right)
This framed collage was made by daughter years ago and received as a holiday gift. It's one of our favorites and captures special family moments, like graduations and weddings.
This photo on canvas was a birthday gift to Grenville several years ago on his July birthday. It was taken when the three grands celebrated July 4th together in PA.
This bookshelf has our collection of Christmas books, plus some fun books, just in case one  this teddy bear fancies a read.
This group of penguins and snowmen have taken up permanent residence on the top shelf of our games bookcase and seem to be living life joyfully.
The bottom shelves contain assorted games. The wooden box, a handmade holiday gift is perfect for holding several smaller card games. 

We hope that you've enjoyed this look at some of our treasures. 
How about you — do you have bookcases? If so, are they used for 📚 or other purposes?


David M. Gascoigne, said...

We got rid of virtually all our cook books. We find that we turn to the internet when we are looking for a new recipe and if we like the results and plan to do it again we print it and put it in a binder. As for other books our house is filled with natural history and science books covering everything that moves, flies, swims, climbs, grows, breathes..... We also have many novels and about thirty books of poetry. Family pictures - almost none.

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Lovely bookcases, the photos are favorites.

I have a small, medium and a large almost full bookcase. I kept my textbooks as reference books.

Anvilcloud said...

We have bookcases here and there. The ones in my den have some books, but other things are also stored on the shelves. In the cabinet part, underneath, there are photo albums and other things stored. Both Sue and I have photos displayed, but we mostly just stick them, willy hilly, on walls and not in pretty frames and shelves like you do.

Bijoux said...

It IS fun to see other blogger’s homes. I keep just a few cookbooks in a kitchen cabinet. But yes, we have two tall bookshelves and they hold lots of photo albums. I just printed about 100 photos from the past year, mostly the grandkids. I do have lots of family photos on display and I switch out the pictures to go with the seasons.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i have about 10 albums of family photos, zero book cases, I read only kindle now. and before i read library and paper backs, the paper backs were traded for different ones. nary a cook book in the house. my sister in law collects them, not for cooking but because she loves look at the photos a browse them. I had one bookcase in the first few years I was married but the boys kept the books on the floor, I put them back, they took them out. I like the way you have all your family framed, they look really nice and wish my albums were easy access like yours, I might look through them more, since digtial i only printed a few myself and put in album then decided why bother and just have them saved digitally

Barbara Rogers said...

I have two tall book cases, and a built in wall of shelves - all contain my pottery and a bit of other collectables. One book case crammed with books in the hallway. Three collages from quite a while ago of my sons' families. And for my 80th I received one of those digital screens where you load your photos and can turn it on and off to see them. (I haven't worked on doing that yet.)

Rain said...

You have a nice collection of cookbooks there Dorothy! I have a unit with 4 shelves jam-packed with cookbooks. Another shelf holds my art and spiritual books too, and then mostly art supplies! I'm doing a major de-cluttering this summer though!

Jeanie said...

I love seeing peoples' bookcases. It's the first thing I look at when I visit someone's home and I'm usually a bit suspect of them if they don't have books (although that has changed somewhat as Kindle and audio books have become more common and my friends are older with more eye issues than ten years ago or so!). I think our shelves are much the same -- loads of cookbooks. Lots of travel. Photos displayed -- lots of photos, maybe too many but like you, I love them. And yes, I still have photo albums. I have been going through many, digitizing some photos of friends so I can send the originals to them. Do I really need pix of my holiday party guests 15 years ago or more? And tossing lots of what I thought were the best scenic and floral photos of all time -- and now they are just not that great, either because of faded processing or they really aren't that good compared to what I do now with better equipment and a better eye. It takes awhile purging those! Some of my bookshelves are two rows deep.

Sandra said...

I'd say you live life joyfully! I have bookcases. I posted last year photos of the bookcases with their books. I really enjoy glimpses into the lives of my blog friends, it makes this more personal. Your family photos a wonderful, keep them displayed.

gigi-hawaii said...

Love your book shelves filled with photos. I, too, have framed photos on my book shelves. Just love to show them to guests. As for books, we usually donate books that we have read. Why keep them? Let others enjoy them.

Emma Springfield said...

I could spend $1000.00 buying books and sill not have all I want. There is nothing like a bookcase filled with a variety of books.

My name is Erika. said...

I agree; it's lots of fun to see other people's homes. And you can't go wrong with sharing bookshelves. I have them all over the house: built ins in the living room, and a whole wall full in what used to be my daughter's bedroom. I didn't notice any Italy or Ireland travel books on your shelf though. Smile. I have been purging books over the last year myself- a whole lot of books. That's what happens when you don't move for 34 years I guess. And I also liked reading your cookbooks. I have too many too, mostly baking ones. But I like to read cookbooks. And you can read them many times too. I don't keep photo albums any longer but I usually purchase photo books I've made online. I keep those out on the living room shelves so I can always visit them. And I do frequently. Fun post Dorothy. I hope you don't get too much snow. hugs-Eriika

Rita said...

It is very interesting to see what other people have in their bookcases--or if they even have bookcases. I have four bookcases in the studio full of art & craft supplies, one bookcase left in the living room (out of three) that is full of office and writing supplies, and three bookcases in the hallway full of art & crafts supplies and writing supplies (in the many satchels)/art & craft books/cookbooks/some TBR books and some literary magazines.

The two bookcases I had full in the living room--one was Ian's full of kid's art & craft supplies plus a few books, and the other bookcase was the only one totally full of books--many writing reference books from college, spiritual & energy work books, many literary and short story magazines, and the few lit magazines I was actually published in. Ian's stuff has all been sent to his house (both he and Liam's now). The bookcase that was actually full of mostly writing type books has been purged and is down to one box now that is packed away for the move. I'll be purging all the bookcases (and everything else I own) as I go through everything before I move. I had already purged my cookbooks a couple years ago.

Truth--before I moved here I donated a couple hundred books to the local library. That's where most of my books went--lol! I had ten bookcases in this little apartment and I think I will be down to about eight after I move. But I had two desks and will have none--so that's a huge change that will require some bookcase and/or drawer space. It will all work out in the end. The purging and downsizing is a good thing for me. :)

photowannabe said...

Oh Dorothy, your bookcases are fabulous. I love the books and how you show them. Your family gallery is wonderful, especially the framed collection in between the word family. Really love how you love your family and Hubby.
All of my books are on several closet shelves. I really like having them and not just digital. Got gobs of photo albums in closets too. Since 2007 I have printed a book every year of everything posted on my photoblog. Its my journal and I do hope after we're "gone" my boys and their families will enjoy going back and visiting the memories.
I guess you have given me some ideas for future blog posts now. Thank you... I do love seeing how other friends here live and showcase their lives.

baili said...

Oh my God dear Dorothy i am just stunned with your wisdom and skills of organization Wow !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

no doubt I absolutely LOVED to see your book shelves and family photos shelves.

you have arranged family pics really beautifully .i felt so inspired .i have been thinking about book shelves since sometimes but hardly idea came to my mind to place all family photos in shelves .
though i have thought to take all the photos from more than thirty family albums and paste them on one huge board and hang on wall .but after seeing this that idea of mine sounds unwise .
you have so many cook books even from your mothers which means you like to be experimental in cooking .
i am not fond of cooking but do okay though family like the meals thankfully .
you are smart, active and very creative i believe .
hugs and blessings

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Wow, I have enjoyed seeing your bookshelves and your family photos so wonderfully displayed. I have some photos displayed, but not very many any more. We have a cupboard full of photo albums, but since I got a digital camera I seldom if ever print pictures anymore, which is sad. They are in my computer, on flash drives, and in my Facebook and Blogs. Someday those will no longer be available and that is sad. I want to do something about it but printing photos anymore is cost prohibitive. I have been thinking about doing an annual little "pastbook" from Facebook, in which I can print a book of photos from the year. It really isn't terribly expensive when you count how many photos it includes in a nice bound book. I just need to get it organized. You have inspired me to do SOMETHING! You have a wonderful collection of cookbooks, etc. I enjoyed seeing all of this. Thank you for sharing!!

Bindu said...

I have a bookcase from Ikea to hold things other than books.
With new e-readers, I am not getting printed books. Your photos are wonderful

William Kendall said...

I have one bookcase. In the spring I'll need to buy another one.

Jon said...

This is a great post. I love to see your collection of books and family photos. This has inspired me to do the same thing on one of my upcoming blog posts.
BTW - I do have a lot of photo albums. I prefer "genuine" photos rather than digital ones.

David said...

Hi Beatrice, Bookcases...we have lots of them. Living room, my office, the bonus room, the 3rd bedroom, the garage storage room, the kitchen...and 3 stacks of books on a bench on Laurie's side of the bed. Probably 1,000 or more in total. We did give away over 100 cookbooks last year. I had a hard time finding a charity that would take them... Photo albums...well, I'm guessing that we have 50 or more plus several drawers with more photos. I did stop doing albums about 4 years ago when I realized that no one else would care about them...except for immediate family photos. Other items on book shelves include collectables and other memorabilia as well as basic decor related pieces. Then there are my wife's 60 or so cow creamers... Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Rob Lenihan said...

What a lovely post!

I love all those photos, especially the older ones. And, of course, your grandchildren are beautiful.

I don't keep photo albums anymore and I don't have many framed photos.

I have far too many books and nowhere near enough book shelves. My book collection is due for a purge soon and I'll bring the ones I don't want to a local charity.

CrystalChick said...

I definitely love peeking into blogger friends homes!!
You have such a wonderful collection in your living room bookcases.
I have a Barefoot Contessa one, but it's of Paris. I have my Grandmother's Betty Crocker cookbook, and one of the South Beach books. Some of your others look familiar so I either had them, or still do, but must confess to not using them much anymore. I donated soooo many! The remaining ones are on steps going to the attic in our kitchen. We used to have 3 large bookcases that sat together on one wall of our living room but slowly I was able to donate a lot of them, and we now just have 1 large, and one small.
We have a couple old photo albums but nothing very recent. I don't get photos printed too often, although really do need to find one to print from my son's wedding as they were married almost a year ago and the frame is still empty.
LOVE all of your framed family photos and collages!!! We have a lot too, but they are mostly on 2 walls. Our oldest grandson visited last week and we were pointing out a few and asking if he knew who they were.
Very enjoyable post, thanks for sharing!!