
Friday, December 23, 2022

Friday Funnies

It's that time of year when everyone has so many things going on, seemingly all at once.
Hopefully, your spirits won't deflate or topple over like these holiday decorations, most of which were from our years of living in NJ and VA. We've seen them in neighborhoods around Nashua, NH, as well, so they seem to be popular holiday decorations and quite unlike ones in my own childhood.

The weather outside is frightful with snow ❄️ in many states. Here in Nashua, it's rain 🌧 and high winds 💨. There's no snow on the forecast, but frigid temps are on the way. We're heading to RI today to spend Christmas with the grandchildren and their families.

Merry Christmas to All And Safe Travels to All


David M. Gascoigne, said...

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, Beatrice. Those inflatable "things" would not be my choice of decor, but to each her own I suppose. They seem to be deflated more than inflated. They remind me of politicians - flaccid and useless most of the time - and pompous and irrelevant the rest of the time!

Bijoux said...

Safe travels, Beatrice. Wishing you a joyous Christmas!

Anvilcloud said...

This is being said frankly and not in a loud voice, but I want to get it off my chest.

Something has exasperated me for a long time, and I have remained silent, but I finally feel like expressing my frustration. I am referring to getting to the end of a post and having a comment in mind, only to be advised that comments are off. Frankly, I find it irritating. I often don’t know what to comment on a post, and then to have one in mind and not be able to add my 2 cents is frustrating. I don’t understand why you do this, but perhaps you could advise comments disabled at the top. We could then make our choice of whether to continue or move on.

There, it has been said. 😇

Joyce F said...

Safe travels. Stay warm and Merry Christmas. Hope the weather isn't too bad for you.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Merry Christmas, all our neighbors yards look like this, all collasped and blown over. Have a safe trip and enjoy your family and I wish all of you a Merry Christmas together

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Safe Travels!
Happy Christmas!

Barbara Rogers said...

I like what David said, and could skip what AJ said. That's what's nice about getting to comments later than others. Do have a good holiday with family! Drive safe and keep warm too!

gigi-hawaii said...

Merry Christmas to you and your family!

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

Have a good Christmas holiday! I'm sure it won't fall as flat as these decorations.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Thanks, John (AC) for your directness in letting me know that the "comments are off" should be either placed either at the start of a post or eliminated completely. I had not considered that viewpoint before and since it may also be shared by other bloggers will take your suggestion under consideration.

There have been times, such as holidays, where my intention was to wish everyone "all the best" without the need to reply. I had not considered that after reading the post, a blogger might have wanted to post a comment.

If any other bloggers want to add their thoughts on this matter - or any others, please feel free to do so.

Boud said...

Merry Christmas, everyone, enjoy your holiday and please stay warm!

I like the idea of blogs as a conversation, so I do like the comment option, though the writer has the last word!

NewRobin13 said...

Merry Christmas and safe travels to you and Grenville. Enjoy your journey and the holiday with family!

Sandi said...

Merry Christmas!

photowannabe said...

Safe travels to you too and enjoy your time with family.
Merry Christmas

Emma Springfield said...

There is a huge Santa a couple of blocks away that spends more time on his face than standing up.

Rita said...

We've got wind chills of 38-40 below zero. Been this cold for days. A really nippy Christmas up here but at least it is a white one. ;) Merry Christmas!!

William Kendall said...

Merry Christmas to you.

Red said...

Merry Christmas. Stay warm and be safe.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Whether to close comments or not - it's your blog, your choice, Beatrice. One would hope that the content is sufficiently interesting to induce people to continue to read, with or without the expectation of leaving a comment

Linda said...

God bless you bith and keep you safe! Merry Christmas!

baili said...

hope you have been enjoying your Christmas holidays with your loved ones dear Dorothy

i have heard that people consider snowing something that completes the Christmas for them ,sorry this year it could not be done due to weird weather cross the world

CrystalChick said...

We were driving down a street near our house when a woman came out to retrieve a blow up decoration that blew off the lawn and got stuck partially under her car. I put my window down as we drove past and said that's about how we all feel this time of year. haha