
Friday, August 5, 2022

Friday Funnies

Here's the first Friday Funny for a new month, just a bit of humor in the midst of a worldwide heatwave and other distressing news events.

NO, this is not footwear made to fit a large person, even a giant would have a tough time.
As you can see, this boot has wheels and it's motorized too. This is a 13-foot-high, 20-foot-long, road-ready replica of the footwear dubbed the L.L. Bean Bootmobile, modeled after the famous Maine Hunting Boot. 

This now-10-year old ðŸ¥¾ vehicle was made for travel and is currently on a road tour. 
Can you imagine the surprised look of motorists seeing it near them on a roadway?  

Built in 2012 for L.L.Bean's centennial, it has traveled over 350,000 miles in North America, as far west as Utah, as far north as Toronto and even up Mount Washington (the highest peak in the Northeastern U.S.) here in New England.

When I saw it in mid-July, it was parked at home base on the plaza of L.L. Bean's flagship store in Freeport, Maine. BTW If you're ever in Freeport and need a shopping fix, this store is open 24 hours, 7 days a week since 1951 (not sure how that schedule was affected recently).
The boot mobile is made of aluminum and fiberglass. It was built on the frame of a Ford F-250 by a six-person team working 2,500 hours over seven weeks. The process included concept sketches to determine the layout, 3-D scans built on the drawings, and the use of cut-up Bean boots on the back of model trucks. The dual-colored lacing was made with two-inch mooring rope used on tugboats and can pull over 100,000 pounds. The metal eyelets around the laces are made from upside-down Bundt-cake pans.

But Wait there's more. The boot mobile isn't the only BIG shoe at L.L. Bean. This famous 16-foot-tall rubber-bottom boot, size 410, still stands in front of the Maine store and has become a popular selfie photo stop. Inside the store, you can buy a normal-sized pair of these boots.

To answer a question from David G. (and perhaps others who wonder, as I did)

Are L.L. Bean Boots Made In The USA?
According to its the company online:  We are one of the last US multi-channel merchants to still own and operate a manufacturing facility in Brunswick, Maine where we make iconic products such as the Bean Boot, Maine Hunting Shoe, dog beds, Boat and Totes, leather belts, and more.

All USA-made boots are listed on the website and can be found by filtering a search by product type and other features. L.L. Bean footwear makes up around 21% of its USA-made products. American-made products of only make up about 10% of the entire product line which includes over 5,000 products.

Here's the end of the week forecast in Nashua, NH. While the temps are unseasonably warm for here, it's better than other places where temps are much hotter and more humid too.
The forecast of rain shown above has happened several times over the past couple of weeks, but then  storms have broken up before getting here. Hopefully, this pattern will be broken.

Enjoy Your Weekend, Everyone
Keep as ðŸ†’ as possible in ðŸ¥µ weather


nick said...

The boot car is amazing. I think if I saw it while I was driving I would be so flabbergasted and so distracted I'd drive into something.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I have never worn an item of LL Bean clothing, but I suspect that were I to ever set foot in the store that would change. I am always willing to pay what it takes for good outdoor footwear but much of my other clothing is bought at the thrift store. I recently bought a pair of pants at Costco for twenty dollars, made from recycled plastic. So far, so good! Do you know if the LL Bean boots are made in the USA or are they outsourced to China?

Marcia said...

Have been to LL Bean store many many years ago. Never saw that boot car though.

We had fleeting showers through here yesterday evening. Not enough at all.

Anvilcloud said...

This boot wasn’t made for walking, so that’s not what it’s going to do. 🎶

Barbara Rogers said...

I've had a few LL Bean products through the years, and they last very well! Good craftsmanship.

NewRobin13 said...

That is a wild looking boot car. I love it!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I would love to see that boot truck. amazing and the info is certainly interesting. Had no idea about any of this except the name LL Bean. we live in the deepest hottest South and Bean is for cold climates.

gigi-hawaii said...

Interesting, but I wouldn't drive it even if I could. LOL.

mimmylynn said...

I never even heard of the boot mobile before. What a great idea. I remember seeing (many moons ago) a VW Beetle covered in gray fake fur with whiskers, tail, and mouse ears. Unique.

LL Cool Joe said...

I've never been to LL Bean, and I think that boot car would be enough to make me not want to go either!

Yes we are having a heat wave and drought here in the UK at the moment!

Red said...

Always something interesting on your blog. this would be a great sales gimmick.

Vee said...

What a fun backstory. I didn't even know this bootmobile was still on the road. We've had similar temps this week. Right now, we're anticipating a thunderstorm if the rumbling is to be believed.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Oh what fun! I've never seen the bootmobile, but we have been to Freeport and have pictures beside the huge LLBean boot, plus photos inside with the moose and other creatures. All great fun and memories with our son and grandson and Dil, back before Matthew passed away. We haven't been back up there to Freeport since. Maybe one day. I love LLBean stuff. Thanks for the history and fun stories.

Edna B said...

That enormous boot is awesome! Enjoy your stay, hugs, Edna B.

Margaret D said...

Something different is that boot vehicle.
The heat is ok but getting a bit warm at that temperature, at least it's not humid at 100%.

My name is Erika. said...

I've seen the Bean boot mobile on the road, and it is always exciting to pass. This is a fun piece for Friday funnies Dorothy! Stay cool. Hugs-Erika

Coastal Ripples said...

Love it. I can just imagine the faces here if it drove down a country lane. B x

Lois Evensen said...

What a very cool boot-mobile! It is right up there with the weiner-mobile. :) I got pictures of that one a few years ago when I saw it parked in a grocery parking lot.

Doris said...

That boot car would surely be a head turner on the road! We went to the store many years ago when visiting Dale's brother and family who live in Maine. Your weather is hot just like here. At least we have gotten some rain which was very needed. Have a wonderful weekend!

Lowcarb team member said...

WOW! That boot car looks amazing.

Here in the UK our temperatures have cooled down a little (for the moment) but because we haven't had any decent rainfall many areas now have water restrictions / hosepipe bans. Youngest grand-daughter even said she would try doing a rain dance o help ... bless her :)

Take care, my good wishes.

All the best Jan

Retired Knitter said...

Seriously - that is am amazing vehicle. Did I miss it? How does one see to drive this “shoe.?"

baili said...

I love when you come up with such interesting and totally unfamiliar stuff dear Dorothy :)

13 ft high and 20 ft long sounds very huge indeed. I wonder if LL bean is extending it's products and soon roads will be see crowded with intriguing vehicles.
Thank you once again.

We too are having cloudy weather after short break. No serious rains expected though our stormy season comes to in June.
Blessings to you!

Bijoux said...

I’ve known quite a few folks who have visited that flagship store. It’s quite popular! That’s an original use for Bundt pans!

Eggs In My Pocket said...

oh my goodness.........that bootmobile is something! Wishing you much cooler days ahead!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

We visited Freeport and L L Bean on one of our "up North" RV trips. But it must have been before the car because I'm pretty sure I would have remembered hearing about it. (I guess I'll have to read my own blog to see when that trip was.)

William Kendall said...

Very different.

L. D. said...

The big shoe is pretty amazing. It reminds me of the big building made to look like the basket.

Veronica Lee said...

That boot car is so cool!
And what an interesting backstory!

Have a great weekend, Dorothy.

Lee said...

These boots were made for driving not walking! :)