
Thursday, May 13, 2021

Meet Nicholas

Who is our great nephew and the newest member of our family, born last week in FL. His full name is Nicholas James. 
Introducing Nicholas James
His parents are our niece and husband (Jamie and Michael) and his sister is almost 2-year old Savannah Marie. Jamie's parents are my brother and his wife who live in NJ. Since 2019, they have become grandparents 3 times. His oldest daughter and husband are parents of Autumn Rose. The two cousins were born in October 2019, two weeks apart.
Mother & newborn son
Hi mother sent these first photos of her newborn son taken by his proud and happy dad shortly after his arrival. 
Siblings Nicholas James (2021) & Savannah Marie (2019)
Nicholas had his first car ride in FL, just as his sister, Savannah did after her NJ birth.
At home, mother & son
Baby Nicholas and his mom in a couple of "at home" photos that were sent to us.
Oh My Gosh !
While we don't know when we will meet him in person, we're very excited to welcome the newest family member.

(Photos were sent by his mom, who was sent a link to this blog post to make certain she had no objections to photos being posted; she did not.)


MadSnapper n Beau said...

he is so handssome, my favorite pic of him is the one with his sister, that little face is priceless. i remember when the cousins were born in the same month and can't believe it has been 2 years

Anvilcloud said...

Congrats to him, you and all.

Edna B said...

Congratulations! Nicholas is beautiful! My favorite photo is the last one. You are blessed, my friend. Enjoy your day, hugs, Edna B.

Marcia said...

A very cute one there!

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

Delighted to meet you, young man. May you have a long and happy time on planet earth (and perhaps even elsewhere by the time you're a grown man).

Bijoux said...

How precious and what a gorgeous head of hair. Congrats to your beautiful family.

Jon said...

What sweet photos. I especially like the one taken at home of Nicholas and his lovely mother.

David said...

Beatrice, Great photos... Family is always #1 isn't it! Other than one cousin and his extended family, my family isn't that close. My last 1st cousin on my dad's side just passed two days ago. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Emma Springfield said...

He is beautiful. Congratulations to all.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Darling baby and proud parents (and great-aunt and uncle also!). I got to hold my great-granddaughter last week for the first time (now that we're all vaccinated). What a pleasant day!

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Beautiful baby. Congratulations

acorn hollow said...

A new baby in the family so wonderful.
congrats all around

William Kendall said...


Rita said...

Congrats! Beautiful boy and such a beautiful Mama, too. :)

My name is Erika. said...

Congrats to you both for the new addition to your family. He looks so sweet. I bet you can't wait to go meet him.

L. D. said...

Congratulations. Babies are fun to see.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Congratulations on the new addition to your family.

Lee said...

Ahhhh...the beautiful, darling little fellow! Much love to you all. :)

Lois Evensen said...

Oh, how precious! Congratulations to all! :)

Margaret D said...

Gorgeous babies and it's always a delight to see new life in this world.
Congratulations to the parents.

Vee said...

Darling family members. Love the oh my gosh photo. 🙂

Susan Zarzycki said...

Viewing your precious photos certainly brightened my day! Congrats on the new arrival.💖

Bindu said...

Congratulations! So adorable!

Brenda Kay Ledford said...

Congratulations. Little Nicholas is precious. Welcome to his family!

Jeanie said...

Totally adorable. I know you are all thrilled! Congratulations.

Christina said...

Welcome Nicholas! Congratulations to the new parents. Such lovely photographs of a cute little baby boy.

Rob K said...

What a beautiful baby! Congratulations!

baili said...

oh such treasured images dear Dorothy :)))

it is hard ti remove eyes from these photos ,i loved them sooo much!!!!!!!!!

he is so cute and adorable and the mother son image black and white is taken so beautifully !
your niece is really an elegant young lady!

thank you for sharing the joy of your lovely world my friend!
more blessings to you and yours!