
Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Oh Baby, More News

Yes, there's more baby news to share and, this time, it's on Grenville's side of the family. His cousin, and husband are having a baby boy through a surrogate, early next year.
Over the weekend, the dads-to-be were treated to a baby shower at the home of another family member in CT where relatives and friends gathered.
Both sets of grandparents-to-be were there as well to help their sons celebrate impending fatherhood. There was no name "reveal" at this event as the future dads are keeping it a secret.

There were many family and friends who also came from several neighboring New England states to share in the celebration.
While I'm not familiar with most games at baby showers, they are fun and this event included several including angry baby, bad dad jokes and diapering blindfolded.
Everyone knows that a party wouldn't be complete without dessert. This one included lots of sweet treats — homemade cupcakes, ice cream cake and chocolate almond cake.
After dessert, it was gift opening time. There were a lot of books and handmade items, including a unique diaper cake. W
e went bear hunting at the Vermont Teddy Bear Company; our gift was unique in that there were no other teddy bear gifts. 

Even before the holiday season, our family has had much to celebrate with the October births of two great nieces and this future 2020 arrival. We are thankful to have shared in this joyous family event and wish the future dad much happiness.


Anvilcloud said...

That's terrific, and well done with recording the event.

NCmountainwoman said...

How wonderful! CONGRATULATIONS all around.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations all around. I so love how the family celebrated this new baby news. Truly wonderful!

Christina said...

How exciting! Congratulations to the dads to be. I am wishing them all the best.

Emma Springfield said...

A new baby is such a happy event in a family. I can't wait for the pictures that I know you will share.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

congratulations to your whole family as it contines to grow and grow. I agree this was a great job of recording the shower. congratulations to Dennis and David

Edna B said...

I love all the photos. What a wonderful celebration. Congratulations to Dennis and David. I wish them lots of wonderful joy with their new baby. You have a good day, hugs, Edna B.

Michelle said...

I love this. Wonderful that family comes together to celebrate this addition to the family!!!!!

Vagabonde said...

What a wonderful happy occasion for y’all. It certainly was a joyous time for family and friends. The sweets look yummy!

Valerie said...

Congrats from me, too. I always found it difficult getting hubby to pose for the camera But he did give in during his later years. Cameras play a big part in the history of our children as well as our beloved menfolk.

DeniseinVA said...

Such a lovely celebration and how happy everyone looks. Great photos!

William Kendall said...

Congratulations to them!

Nil @ The Little House by the Lake said...

Congratulations to Dennis and David!

My name is Erika. said...

I've got to relink you up as your posts are no longer showing up on my blog list. This is a happy affair and I bet they are excited for the new member of their family! Hope all has been well. Hugs-Erika

Bill said...

That's exciting news. Congrats to Dennis and David.

baili said...

Such a DELIGHTFUL sharing dear Dorothy :)))

happy arrival to new baby and heartfelt congrats to Patrick :)
these images are really powerful to display the true joy of a family :)
you did great job to share them so amazingly :)
more blessings to you andfamily my friend!

Connie said...

Exciting news, and it looks like it was a fun celebration. Congratulations to all!