
Monday, October 22, 2018

Spam Never Goes

Spammers may leave your blog alone for awhile, but they can and do return. This April post discussed spam in more detail.

That post followed a previous one in which a fellow blogger alerted me to spam comments on some of my blog posts. I try to check recent blog post comments on a regular basis. But, failed to check for spam on earlier blog posts.

The past couple of days I've been getting multiple spam comments from Co Coya. Previous such comments had been marked as spam in blogger and then deleted. I'm not sure why they're showing up again. It's unfortunate that spammers have nothing more useful to do. I'm checking comments more often and marking them as MANY times as needed.

In recent days, I've also noticed spam comments from this same individual on other blogs and have alerted the blogger (via a comment) to check and delete comments from this individual.

A warning several months ago from fellow blogger, William (Ottawa Daily Photo) is worth repeating. I agree with his advice to spammers in the last sentence.

Note to my fellow bloggers, especially those using Blogger as your template. The last few days have seen repeated instances by one spammer, probably using two or more names, pulling the same Thai spammer routine we saw some months back. Co Coya is one of the names being used (Sam Nang being another), and the method is copying and pasting the comments of others (or text from your own posts) and adding in links, including in what looks like Thai spelling for their spam - which is the same page in both instances. 

I've seen it in my blog as well as several of yours, as well as another one going by the name Vaiybora and spamming another Thai page with the same technique. I encourage you to delete any comments from them, but also to report their profiles to Blogger as spam. To that spammer (or those spammers), I recommend you do the universe a favour and take a long walk off a short pier.

While it may not be possible to completely block all such comments, I urge fellow bloggers also to delete ALL comments from these individuals and report them as spam.

UPDATE: Thanks to all fellow bloggers who commented on this post to relate their own experiences. Many said they have received similar spam from this individual(s) and/or others. It's sometimes difficult to check comments on a daily basis, but perhaps by our combined efforts, these individuals can make better use of their time than being such pesky annoyances.


DUTA said...

I once had a spammer who used very obscene language. I panicked. After getting rid of him I started to use Blogger moderation feature and I'm pleased with it. It's for spam prevention only. I don't moderate comments, don't mind differences of opinion. I'll publish any comment, provided it doesn't insult me or attack me or the other commenters.

Christina said...

Ah yes, Co Coya. I keep deleting these comments, such a nuisance! Imagine the time they could spend on useful matters if they weren't spamming us!

William Kendall said...

Co Coya does the same thing under multiple names. I've had that one, as well as Piseth San try pretty much the same thing lately.

Then there's a twit going by the title gmail sign up, and some halfwit called jagbir trying to get traffic to his hallowe'en site by writing the following comment over and over again:

"Usually, I never comment on blogs but your article is so convincing that I never stop myself to say something about it. You’re doing a great job Man. Best article I have ever read Keep it up!"

People like this should come down with a particularly aggressive case of Ebola.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I have blogged since 2009 and never had a problem with spam. I may have had 2 or 3 in all those years. but in the past couple of months it has gone crazy, I have this one you mentioned and several others, I check mine every day, I click spam and the delete but that doesn't seem to stop them. I hate to go to the moderation thing. I don't like commenting when my comment disappears and I sometimes like to read others. but I might have to do the moderation. I had 3 of the one you are speaking of just today

Linda said...

Agreed! I’ve been getting them, too. I think because he has a gmail sign in he’s slipping through the spam thing.
I don’t understand why they do this?

Emma Springfield said...

It's a good reminder. Thanks.

mamasmercantile said...

Yes, I am getting the same one. Some people have sad lives.

Nil @ The Little House by the Lake said...

I received spam from the same person several times. And noticed their messages on other blogs as well. Whoever this person is he/she has too much time.

Ramblings of a Retired Lady said...

I got them and deleted every single one.

Red said...

Spammers show up from time to time. It's sometimes difficult to identify them.

Gracie Saylor said...

I use the Blogger moderate all comments feature so that I can catch the spam before it is printed and it has worked well for me.

L. D. said...

It amazes me how they keep trying. Some of the spam is actually automated and no one is behind but it is trying to glean info. I see on stats that China and Russia are busy pinging my site all the time but they can’t get anything from it. I don’t have anyone that I know from the countries. Blogger shared once that even though they are free to read it they can’t get into any account unless you let them. Don’t open things that just don’t look right.

Valerie said...

Robin Jack is another one doing the rounds. Fortunately I read comments before publishing them so I catch them in time to stop being a nuisance to readers.

Anvilcloud said...

I have never gotten much spam and have been quite free for quite a while now. We shall see. I am going to check out that Ottawa photo guy that you mentioned.

William Kendall said...

Well now, look at that. Co Coya actually shows up at a post criticizing him, her, or it, and has the gall to post yet another spam comment.

Like I said- a nice nasty case of Ebola for Co Coya would be ideal.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Yes, William, I seem to have really unleashed a spam stream from this worthless person. There were several such comments and all have been removed and also marked as spam, which seems to be a worthless effort as blogger does not block even when so marked. I am planning to post to the blogger support community as well. Thanks, as always, for the heads up and I agree with your solution although it would be quite nasty.

Connie said...

I delete and mark them as spam, but it seems they come back again with new names. This is why I always moderate the comments. They are a nuisance.

Bill said...

I hate spammers and have been on top of it by checking my comments everyday. I did have a break for awhile but they do return.
About your question regarding my photo- yes, the building was a former toy store but is vacant now and it does sit on an incline.

Have a wonderful evening.

acorn hollow said...

that is why I monitor all comments on my blog I catch a lot of spam. It comes in waves.

possum said...

Good warning!
Isn't it sad that people have nothing better to do?
Pity them.