
Friday, June 22, 2018

Did You Miss It?

No, not the first day of summer, which this year in the Northern Hemisphere was June 21. Officially it's called the summer solstice, the annual moment when the sun is at its highest point in the sky. It happened yesterday at 6:07 a.m. EDT (eastern daylight time). 

I meant National Selfie Day which was also June 21. Folks were encouraged to take creative and appropriate selfies to share on social media. We usually take our own pics, as I did here, or together (see below). 

According to the National Selfie-Day website (yes, there's a site), the day was created June 21, 2014 by disk jockey Rick McNeely from Fishbowl Radio Network in Arlington TX. According to the website, DJ Rick considers it "a holiday." (That seems an odd choice of definition to me.)

In 2013, the word, selfie, entered the Oxford English Dictionary and was named "the word of the year." The OED, published by the Oxford University press, is the main historical record of the English language. It defined selfie as: "a photograph that one has taken of oneself, typically with a smartphone or webcam and uploaded to a social media website." In July 2014, the Merriam-Webster Dictionary selected selfie as the "word of the day." 

How and where did the term originate, I wanted to know and, of course, found an answer online. While not absolutely certain it's the truth, it was nonetheless an interesting read. 
Here's the story. 

According to several sites, the OED stated that "selfie" was first used in September 2002 to describe a photo posted on a public forum run by the Australian Broadcast Network (ABC). An Australian man (identified as Hopey) described a photo he took of himself while drunk at a birthday party:

"Um, drunk at a mates 21st, I tripped ofer [sic] and landed lip first (with front teeth coming a very close second) on a set of steps," said the posting. I had a hole right through my bottom lip. And sorry about the focus, it was a selfie." 

Apparently, some linguists (those word detectives) weren't surprised that "selfie," originated in Australia where the ie suffix has long been used to create slang terms (called hypocoristics). Words like barbie (barbecue), sickie (sick day) mozzie (mosquito), lollies (sweets), sunnies (sunglasses), flannie (flannel shirt), rellie (relative) and even Aussie (Australian)..

ABC News later found Hopey (Nathan Hope) who was reportedly amazed that his post had become such a news item. According to Hope, it wasn't really a new word: "it's something that was just common slang at the time, used to describe a picture of yourself."

No, we didn't take a selfie yesterday; we've taken many others (so far) this year . . .
Yes, we expect to be taking more before the year ends. For us, it's a fun way to remember special places and times. (Our results are always better than when others offer to take a photo for us.)

How about you — do you take selfies 😊 too ?

Enjoy your weekend, Everyone.


DUTA said...

Thanks for the info on 'selfie'. Good to see your smiling, happy faces in all the selfies you took so far!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I did not know this and did not take a selfie, it has been about a month since I last took one with my tablet. my phone doesn't like me up close and personal..

Emma Springfield said...

I don't think I've ever taken a selfie. I wonder what that says about me.

Lady Jane said...

Really enjoy'd the fun selfie story. I love all your pics, you both have wonderful, happy smiles!!! hugs, lj

Valerie said...

I am old fashioned, with old fashioned ideas. I have never taken a selfie nor will I. I like yours, though, you all look so happy.

William Kendall said...

I don't- I don't like how I look, admittedly.

Connie said...

Yes, I sometimes take selfies, although I didn't know there was a special day for it. I like your collection of selfies--nice smiles! Have a good weekend!

L. D. said...

I like yours, I just don’t like to take my photo. My wife is way worse about it. Enjoy it and have fun.

Red said...

Well, that's a new one for me. I will have to celebrate national selfie day next year.

My name is Erika. said...

Nope, I knew it was National Selfie Day, but no, I didn't take a selfie that day. It's nice to see all of yours. Some of yours have very pretty backgrounds too. :) happy weekend my friend. Hugs-Erika

DeniseinVA said...

I seemed to have heard somewhere that it was National Selfie Day. We were with family and we took a few selfies but none to share on my blog. Love all of yours.

Anvilcloud said...

I missed the one but not the other.

possum said...

Never took one, never will,

Donna OShaughnessy said...

I did miss selfie day! Darn. But I sure did appreciate your history on it. I do take selfies and file them on my computer. I've told my kids they are there is ever they need one for my obituary (What can I say? I'm a planner). Besides no one ever takes pics of the mom and we're too busy taking pics of everyone else so selfies are a necessary evil.

diane b said...

A fun post. I learnt a lot. I wasn't surprised selfie oriented here in Oz. Its true we us´i.e. on the end of loads of words. I don't take selfies very often ...too close for wrinkles and discoloured teeth.