
Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Wedding Watchers ?

Time to 'fess up.
Did many of you watch the royal wedding this weekend?

OK, I'll go first. Yes I did watch some of the celebration. That said I did not get up at 4 or 5 a.m. to turn on the TV broadcasts. Instead, I watched some on my tablet while reading the news and drinking my usual cup of coffee. No, I didn't switch to tea for the occasion.

Thankfully, the weather was picture perfect considering that it took place in a country not where conditions can be iffy. The lyrics of Camelot by Frederick Lowe seemed most appropriate for the Windsor ceremony . . . 
But in Camelot, Camelot That's how conditions are.The rain may never fall till after sundown.By eight, the morning fog must disappear.
Here's a bride and groom we saw up walking in Boston during our recent getaway there (notice a sole attendant and many photographers). I'm not sure if this is a local tradition. Have you ever seen a bridal couple walking the street(s) in your local area?
Even though I didn't have morning or afternoon tea, our Saturday night dinner was a shepherd's pie casserole. Yes, it was made (partly) the tradition British way with lamb included.
It was very good, according to Grenville and our dinner guests.

Thanks to all for the anniversary well wishes which were read and much appreciated. We've had a couple of short getaways since that post. I've fallen a bit behind with blog reading and posting, but will be catching up this week.


coffeeontheporchwithme said...

I was not one of the watchers, but just sitting down with my laptop, I was inundated with images and snippets of information. I do remember watching Charles and Diana's wedding, however. -Jenn

MadSnapper n Beau said...

not only did I watch the whole thing, for hours and hours, for the next 24 I googled all the photos that were taken.. I am over it now and ready for it to become a thing of the past on the news shows.. but I did love it. as I type good morning America is showing Serena Williams in the dress she wore to the reception and revealing the shocking thing that she had tennis shoes on under it. wow. I have not seen a wedding couple in the street but did see a whole wedding party in the parking lot at the mall, and they came into the food court, all 20 of them in full wedding mode, went into a reception at the store they both worked in.... fun entertainment to our meal

mamasmercantile said...

Yes I did watch it and enjoyed every moment, including afternoon tea.

Emma Springfield said...

I watched the wedding. I did not get up early though. I saved it on my DVR. It was a lovely and loving ceremony.

Jo said...

Even though I'm South African, I am a British royalist through and through. I watched the whole ceremony (from when the first guests arrived) until they bridal couple left in the open carriage. I have seen a bride running through a busy shopping mall on a Saturday morning. Another time I saw a bride waiting in the arrivals lounge for the next plane to land. She wasn't going to let this guy give her the slip! These two funny sights were years before the days of cell phones with cameras else I would've captured them!

Anonymous said...

I watched the beautiful wedding on TV and online. Awesome!

Michelle said...

I did watch the highlights of the wedding when I woke up...with a good cup of coffee. It was my first day of summer break, so I wasn't about to get up early.

William Kendall said...

I don't have cable- I don't watch enough programming in a given week to bother with it- so I missed it.

My name is Erika. said...

I'm a native of Worcester, not Boston,but I have never heard of such a thing as the bride walking through the street. Yes I did watch some of the wedding but I recorded it. I saw a little preview before I walked, and rewound to watch the actual ceremony after I walked. This way, as the hubby smiled and said, we could forward through any part that didn't look really interesting. But it was fascinating and lovely event and I have to say I did enjoy what I watched. Sun's back tomorrow. I am glad for the rain to water my gardens and will be ready for sun. Hugs-Erika

DUTA said...

Yes, I've seen several times in my life a bridal couple walking the street. Usually, they were on their way to some spectacular site to take memorable photos.
That was in the past. Nowadays, cars are used everywhere for every purpose(weddings as well as funerals).

I watched the wedding ceremony on Saturday, not so much for the outfits (nothing new under the sun), for the celebrities, the smiling faces (I liked Fergy, though) but for the strange feeling I had, that it might be the last royal wedding in Great Britain, and I didn't want to miss it.

Valerie said...

I watched the wedding although I hadn't intended to. I have seen a lot of criticism since and feel sad about it. It made me feel very emotional but I enjoyed watching .

Anvilcloud said...

Yes, we were there via tv. I may post a bit about it.

Connie said...

I did not get up early to watch the royal wedding, but we caught the end of it after we got up and had breakfast. What I saw of it was quite lovely.