
Sunday, May 27, 2018

Family Celebrations

Recent weekend getaways included a trip to RI for Mother's Day and we visited with the grandkids and their mother.
Grandson is going on 12 years old and his sister will be celebrating her 8th birthday this summer. 

There was also some grandpa time with both grandkids.
Youngest granddaughter and her mother celebrated Mothers' Day at home. We'll visit with them this summer. 

This Memorial Day weekend we will take time to remember those who died while serving in our armed forces. In our family, Uncle Red (Pete) died in naval service during WW II.


DUTA said...

I guess you find it difficult to part with the grankids. The baby girl is just adorable, how she looks and plays...
May you derive much satisfaction from them!

Anvilcloud said...

This is heart-warming, and those eyes ...

coffeeontheporchwithme said...

It's nice that you got to spend time with them all. Lovely grandchildren pictures! -Jenn

MadSnapper n Beau said...

three precious ones for sure. glad you got to visit with 2 of them. they sure have grown a lot since we started blogging. love those big smiles they have, and great photos...

L. D. said...

Wonderful things that you share today. Like seeing all the kids.

possum said...

Always fun to see how they have grown. When I first met Bobby, he was in a stroller!
That little one always has such interesting expressions. The eyes of an old soul.

Emma Springfield said...

That young man is so dapper on the day of his first communion. Every time you post pictures of your grandchildren I feel older. Bobbie and Ellie were so little just yesterday. Lilliana was not even a thought yet. They are all so beautiful.

William Kendall said...

Time flies, doesn't it?

Doris said...

Your grandchildren are growing up. All three are beautiful...although the young man would prefer handsome, I'm sure ;-) We agree that spending time with our Grands certainly IS priceless!
Happy Memorial Day to you!

Connie said...

Aw, such wonderful family photos! Looks like you had a lovely visit.

Valerie said...

Beautiful photographs and I specially liked the little lad in his tuxedo. What a great little guy he looks.

My name is Erika. said...

It's always nice to get away for a few days and even better to see family. The grandkids are very cute and I agree, a tux does make Andrew look so much older. Looks like a fun time. Hope you have a great new week and have enjoyed your weekend. Hugs-Erika

DeniseinVA said...

Sweet children!