
Thursday, April 5, 2018

Spammers Begone

A special thanks to fellow blogger, William, from Ottawa Daily Photo for the heads up on recent spam comments. I had recognized a couple as such and deleted them, but neglected to backtrack further. After reading William's post, I backtracked and found others. These comments have been deleted and marked as spam in blogger. Also, while checking comments in the spam folder, I found comments from fellow bloggers that were authentic and not spam, those have been restored.

Here's what William posted (I hope he will not mind that I am repeating his warning):

Note to my fellow bloggers, especially those using Blogger as your template. The last few days have seen repeated instances by one spammer, probably using two or more names, pulling the same Thai spammer routine we saw some months back. Co Coya is one of the names being used (Sam Nang being another), and the method is copying and pasting the comments of others (or text from your own posts) and adding in links, including in what looks like Thai spelling for their spam - which is the same page in both instances. 

I've seen it in my blog as well as several of yours, as well as another one going by the name Vaiybora and spamming another Thai page with the same technique. I encourage you to delete any comments from them, but also to report their profiles to Blogger as spam. To that spammer (or those spammers), I recommend you do the universe a favour and take a long walk off a short pier.

As William suggested, I also urge fellow bloggers to delete these comments and report them as spam.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

thanks for the update, i have not seen any of these, but it is good to know and keep a look out. i have gotten a few in the spam folder that were not spam.

mamasmercantile said...

Thank you for that yes I have some on mine.

Christina said...

I've had a few of those, I usually mark them as spam and remove the comments. I always wonder what the attraction of spamming blogs is. Surely nobody can be tempted into following dodgy links these days? I guess with thousands of blogs, maybe even if a couple of bloggers click through, it generates enough traffic to make it worthwhile. Thanks for the reminder to be vigilant.

William Kendall said...

I check my comments regularly, both the published and the spam comments, because every once in awhile a comment that's supposed to be published winds up in spam.

These spammers never take a hint.

Lady Jane said...

Thanks for the heads up, I will keep a look out. Hugs, lj

Emma Springfield said...

I often wonder if it is even worth the time it takes to leave the spam comments. What do they wish to accomplish?

Valerie said...

I had the same trouble on my blog until I went into settings and switched to allow Registered Users only. It's a simple thing to do and it stopped all the rubbish that came before.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Yes, it makes me wonder too Christina, about WHY these spammers continue and like Emma I wonder just WHAT they hope to accomplish as my blog and most others I read are just personal writings about varied topics. As a rule, I personally avoid any blogs with advertisements. And speaking of spammers, just beware of someone named John Johnson who rants on anti-semiticism. This one sick individual.

DUTA said...

No problem deleting and blocking spammers. Your post reminds me of a blogger who after warning spammers also added something like 'If I don't like the tone of the comment I'll throw it away' or something like that. A bit exaggerating, don't you think? It shows immaturity.

William Kendall said...

I saw that John Johnson (or whatever his name really is) last night on another blog. I was absolutely disgusted by his hate mongering.

And he hides behind a profile that nobody can actually report.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the tip.

diane b said...

Thanks for the tip.I always delete them but haven't reported them as spam as I don't use my gmail page very often because gmail comes to my apple inbox

DeniseinVA said...

Thanks for the heads up Diane and thanks to William too. Happy Sunday to you my friend and thanks for the welcome home.

Lynn said...

Thanks for the heads up! Off to check my spam folder now.

Valerie said...

Beatrice, I replied to your comment on ny blog. You might like tom pop in and read it.

baili said...

information my friend!
thank you for sharing what William posted either though it is so annoying that some people are misusing the blogger .
i also got few comments which i reported as spam to blogger and after that i am not allowing comment without approving them