
Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Eat Your Words . . .

Is an idiom that really isn't literal in the sense that someone could actually eat words. It mean to retract, regret or feel foolish about what was previously said or to admit that a previous statement or prediction was wrong. (For example, many people who were doubtful, he would win the election are now eating their words.)

The exact origin of the phrase is uncertain, yet it was a figure of speech even in playwright William Shakespeare's day. In Much Ado About Nothing (act 4, scene 1), Beatrice (really the character's name) asks Bendrick "Will you not eat your word?" and he replies "With no sauce that can be devised to it. I protest I love thee."

Over the weekend here in NH,  not only could words be eaten, but entire books devoured. 

It's not as confusing as it sounds. Since the best place to (literally) eat a book is at the library, that's where I went on Sunday. It was the site of the Nashua Public Library's 6th annual Edible Book Contest which featured about a dozen entries, a few shown here.

There were several categories, first were children's books. 

Here's a couple more children's' book entries.
This entry in the adult book category was quite detailed down to a bloody hatchet.
Here's a couple of entries that were in the family category. 
Library visitors were encouraged to vote for their favorite in each category. The popular vote winners would be announced by library closing time. I cast my ballots but didn't stay to learn the final results. 

I admit to having wondered if any entrants later would actually eat their words books.


Anvilcloud said...

What a fine idea!

Of course,these days some people use literally when they mean figuratively. I mean they literally mean figuratively. Haha

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i vote Catapillar, Alice and Grimm in that order. they are wonderful and i love things like this at the library. i forget to check the bullentin board on line for upcoming and i missed the highschool students recycle dress show this year

mamasmercantile said...

What a great event, those cakes looked amazing.

L. D. said...

You wrote with the perfect set of words. Wonderful. The event looks like a wonderful time and what a creative idea. Thanks for sharing the edible items.

Emma Springfield said...

What an innovative idea! I love it.

Connie said...

These cakes are so clever! What a fun event.

William Kendall said...

Hard to pick between Alice and Misery.

Karen Lakis said...

What a cute idea! I wouldn’t mind eating those words!

Kay G. said...

What a great idea! The Very Hungry Caterpillar is my favorite!

Valerie said...

'Eat my words' comes to mind but, hey, what a novel idea.

You might see the above words on another post (yours) - don't ask how I got from one post to another!

baili said...

this was really fun event my friend!
i enjoyed the irony in your first para :)

Carol Eyman said...

The winners were....Going to Sleep on the Farm, The Very Hungry Caterpillar, and Grimm's Fairy Tales. Congratulations to all!

diane b said...

I would like to eat The Very Hungry Caterpillar