
Friday, June 23, 2017

Friday Funnies

Ever happen to you?

Last month, I bought this package of coleslaw mix. The package listed its ingredients: cabbage, carrots, red cabbage. 
Here's the package with tiny orange and purple specks — carrots and red cabbage. While two out of three ingredients were in very short supply, there was plenty of cabbage. 
After adding grated carrots and sliced peppers for color, the slaw was delicious despite the "missing" veggies. 

Enjoy your weekend, Everyone.


mamasmercantile said...

Having been caught out a couple of times, I tend to check the bags before I buy them these days. Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

It's convenient to have a bag like this, even though there's more cabbage than carrots, etc.

Emma Springfield said...

The sad part is that they are breaking no rules but they are certainly misleading to the consumer.

Kathy said...

I guess technically it's not false advertising. The regular cabbage must be way cheaper than the other ingredients.

William Kendall said...

It just makes you shake your head.

Ida said...

That's funny....makes you wonder what happened to the cabbage & carrots for sure.

Red said...

I'm pleased to see that it was at least washed!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

It would be really funny if they just told the truth and put "and a wee bit of carrots and red cabbage" on the package! lol!

baili said...

Sometimes it happens that packets don't have stuff written above .but glad that after adding carrot and peppers you enjoyed the dish

Connie said...

I was afraid you were going to say you found a bug or some other creature in there!! I guess by comparison, just a little bit of carrots and red cabbage isn't too bad. :) Have a good weekend!

DeniseinVA said...

Just so long as they have those tiny specks ;)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

no one tells the truth anymore and especially marketing ads and labels.. I sometimes wonder if the info on the labels is correct either.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

bob was not hungry last night, I opened a can of chicken noodle soup. there was 1 tiny piece of chicken and a lot of noodles. he was fine with that because he wanted soft noodles to slide down his sore throat.