
Sunday, April 2, 2017

The Day After

According to information from Grenville, Mother Nature's prank on April Fools Day deposited a 6 inch snowfall here in Nashua, NH.
Fortunately, most roadways were only wet and slushy even during the all day weather event. This coming week warmer temperatures are expected to start the melting process, once again.
The buildings shown across the Nashua River are in the process of being converted to a new loft apartment development. We've been watching the construction process from our living room windows. Yes, we're looking forward to seeing them on completion.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

when they finish the lofts, please visit and take inside photos or get name so I can see what they look like. I love looking at things like that. so glad the beautiful sunshine came out to make your lovely photos

Pam said... we are in Nashville TN in some cool nights, but the days are not so bad. more. We are full blown spring.

Emma Springfield said...

Mother Nature thinks she is much funnier than she really is.

William Kendall said...

It certainly is a pretty sight to see! We got the snow as well, but at this point the sidewalks and roads have warmed up enough that I didn't even have to shovel the walk when I got home last evening.

DeniseinVA said...

I echo Sandra's request on the new apartments :) Looks so pretty looking out of your building. Lovely scenery!

Anonymous said...

That's a nice view of the river and snow.

baili said...

Mother nature has her own moods and i wish hope and pray that she stays most of the time in GOOD MOOD!
for all of us.
Here we are having 4 plus though but spring is sprinkling her smiles all over to keep us calm down.
Nashua river is beautiful!
hope in coming days snow melts and spring greet you with warm smile friend

Anvilcloud said...

We are expecting a big rain tomorrow. Maybe most of the remaining snow will be washed away. That would be grand.

Connie said...

The best thing about snow this time of year is that it usually doesn't stick around very long. Happy spring to you!

Lynn said...

That sky is sure beautiful. I hope that is the final snowfall of the spring for you! An April Fools prank for sure!

Love your window on the world.