
Thursday, March 2, 2017

Defining a New Purpose

We've all used them at one time or another. Perhaps some of us even have a hardcover one in our homes that we refer to now and then.
Not me, because lately I've been using mine every day. Now it's serving a new purpose and it continues to be helpful as well.

That's because I recently started having minor neck aches after sitting at my desktop PC awhile. During a regular chiropractic session for back issues this week, I shared this info with my chiropractor, who suggested this solution.
Now, I can truthfully say that, YesI use my dictionary daily.

Do you still use one still?


Anonymous said...

I have a computer hutch, so my monitor is already raised up and the keyboard is on a lower level. Clever solution for you, though.

William Kendall said...

I still have one around, usually when I want to look something up and don't want to boot up the computer.

Doris said...

We have at least two....but rarely used if at all anymore. I usually look up what I need on my's always with me or nearby :) No longer have a working desk top computer either....iPhone, laptop, tablet for us. How times are changing!

Emma Springfield said...


MadSnapper n Beau said...

I have not touched mine since the day I got internet, so many years. my monitor is sitting on the box my laptop came in.. about 3 or 4 inches.. looks bad but it works

Ginnie said...

Your featuring a "real" dictionary made me take a tour of my book shelves. Besides having the huge Random House Dictionary that my mother gave me in 1968 I counted 5 others !!!

Anonymous said...

Well, that is a great and inexpensive solution! Hope it helps! Have a nice weekend.

Connie said...

I have one but almost never use it since I can just use the computer instead.

Anvilcloud said...

You're really diggin that dictionary, eh?

NCmountainwoman said...

Reading on a Kindle has really increased my use of the dictionary. Whereas before I was content with knowing the gist of meaning, now I must click on the word because I can get the immediate information from the Oxford programmed into the Kindle. Now when I am reading a real book, I find myself needing to stop and look up words. OK, I don't actually look them up, I just ask Siri and she does it for me.