
Saturday, February 18, 2017

Hearts Day Fun

We had a great time on Valentine's Day 💕this week. 

We didn't go out to dinner, send or receive flowers or chocolates, but the card fairies DID leave lots of cards (along with specific instruction on when to open each one). 

What we did do was to go snow shoeing in nearby Mine Falls Park, a short walk from our mill apt. It was a beautiful afternoon after a 9-inch snowfall on Sunday and gusty winds all day Monday. And, we had the trail all to ourselves, aside from 2 cross country skiers.

There were quite a few snow drifts along the trails — great for some snow 💘 art.

And, no outing is complete without a "selfie" these days.

There was also a greeting from granddaughter Lilliana, 2 months old this week.
It was a fun way to spend ❤️ Day. 


MadSnapper n Beau said...

that snow is gorgeous.. so is Liliana

Anvilcloud said...

I am missing 'shoeing' this year. Maybe I should do something about it before it's too late.

Anonymous said...

That day in the snow must have been beautiful.

William Kendall said...

It looks like you had a good day to go out!

Emma Springfield said...

You had the right kind of Valentine's Day. You enjoyed the day and each other. It never gets better than that.

Ginnie said...

Major Cutie is sure enjoying being a valentine. Adorable.

Doris said...

Your world is beautiful! So is that baby!!

Lady Jane said...

Snow shoeing is so much fun and looks like you have a wonderful place to go. Lilliana is such a cutie pie. Those eyes wow. Hugs.

possum said...

I had flowers for Valentines Day... DAFFODILS! From the back yard!!!!!
Glad you enjoy your snow. I prefer flowers!

Precious little one! Soooooooooo cute!

Connie said...

Looks cold, but pretty and quiet. Glad to hear you had such a nice day. Cute baby pic! :)