
Thursday, December 29, 2016

Sale on Nearly Everything

That's the way it seemed if these Sale posters are indicators. Most of these signs were featured in retail clothing stores.

Discounts ranged from 25 percent up to 70 percent OFF. These sales were seen in store windows several days before Christmas in a Lancaster, PA mall. We were visiting over the holidays to celebrate the birth of our new granddaughter.

All of these sales had us wondering exactly how much more items would have been reduced after the holiday. Alas, we never returned to learn the answer.
Despite all these great pre-Christmas sales, we left without buying anything because window shopping is the best discount — it's totally FREE.

Did you find great shopping bargains, before or after Christmas?


MadSnapper n Beau said...

that is a lot of signs and I notice most ae bright red to grab people. no sales for me before or after. I don't shop unless I need something, like eggs and milk, or toilet tissue. LOL

MadSnapper n Beau said...

forgot to say I do shop but online at Amazon, they ship to me or to whomever I am sending to. and boy did they have sales... and they emailed me 3 times a day with bright colored emails. my son got a kindle fire that will be delivered today because the day before Christmas they put them on sale for 70 percent off

Anonymous said...

I rarely window shop. When I do shop, it's with a definite object in mind.

William Kendall said...

There's no shortage of post-Christmas sales here.

Michelle said...

Time to clean out before the new year!!

Emma Springfield said...

I think the "free" would be helpful for me. So many signs!!

Doris said...

I didn't shop in stores much this Holiday....almost all online shopping this year. And since I've not been feeling well since The big day, I've not done any bargain hunting after Christmas yet either. Guess all those 'steals' are going home with other folks ;-).

Anvilcloud said...

Bargains seldom attract me. Sometimes, however, something that I want might goes on sale. That is different.

Ludwig said...

The American consumer has been a source of amusement and wonder for me ever since I came to this country many, many years ago. A store will advertise "4 for only $5" because they get better sales than "$1/each". Your first poster shows "Buy 3 - get 3 FREE". Aside from the "What does that mean? Of course I expect to get three if I pay for them", oh, so I get an additional 3 free?! Is that really a better deal than "But ONE get TWO"? Or, "50% OFF"? Two stores I frequent are most confusing to me. I choose a product to buy on the basis of the price shown and when I get to the counter the price is less. Why don't they mark the price down? It might lead to more sales.

Well, the year is almost gone, hope they all make their sales goals.

I also hope the the bright new year will be happy, prosperous, and healthy for you!