
Friday, December 2, 2016

Friday Funnies

Say it isn't "snow" ❄️ (not yet anyway). Snow poles were placed around the mill apartments where we live a couple of weeks ago. 

The mums were still in colorful bloom with 40-50 degree daytime temperatures. But, we know that winter will come soon enough to Nashua, NH. 

Enjoy your weekend, Everyone.


Doris said...

Our mums are fading.....but I still have roses :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

poor little mums, now they know what is coming.. snow

Anvilcloud said...

A corner worth protecting, at least for awhile. There's a corner around here that they didn't protect, and I saw the edge of the lawn dug up when the snow melted.

Emma Springfield said...

Winter is here. We have had snow twice. It is gone right now but it will come back. But it is cold. Dress warmly.

William Kendall said...

They've placed these, along with snow fences, in various spots around here in the last two or three weeks.

diane b said...

I can't imagine what it must be like to be waiting for snow. Our temperatures are close to 40 this weekend but that is in Celsius so over a 100 in your language.

Lynn said...

Shows how much snow we get in Georgia - I've never heard of a snow pole before.

Devilish Angel said...


possum said...


I think I prefer my camellias and azaleas blooming their little (15-20 feet tall now) selves silly. I expect fresh flowers on the Christmas table.

Never heard of snow poles. Not even when I lived in Maine or the Poconos in the winter.

PS - Just lived thru another Santa Train. Pix to come after I get caught up here.

Ginnie said...

I'm like Lynn. Even though I am originally a New Englander I'd never heard of snow poles either. I guess it's practical but it takes away from the beautiful mums setting.