
Monday, October 31, 2016

Helpful at Halloween?

Shopping around Halloween can be very interesting in some stores. 
Sometimes, there's characters to assist you .. .

Be careful as others might be brewing trouble in the aisles . . .

At times, you might find only a skeleton crew . . .

Others have BIG smiles because it's Halloween 🎃 today !

As most of you have figured out, none of these characters were helpful at all. 
In fact, they were just hanging around the local Home Depot store in recent weeks.


Connie said...

Haha! Cute post. I agree none of those fellows look very helpful. Happy Halloween to you!

Red said...

You put a good story with your photos. Nice play in words.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

awesome photos, I saw the display in Home depot and nearly fainted when I saw the 200.00 price on a horse skeleton and 100 on a human skeleton. then yesterday our newsperson said .... Did you know Americans spend THREE TRILLION dollars a year on Halloween cosutmes and decorations. OMW... unbelievable.

William Kendall said...

Happy Hallowe'en!

Emma Springfield said...

You ran into some interesting characters didn't you? What fun.

Anvilcloud said...

It's amazing what Halloween has become since I was a kid.

L. D. said...

Really have some interesting characters here. It can be fun.