
Saturday, March 21, 2015

What the %&*#$ is this?????

This unknown object has been rumored to be just around the corner. Of course we are not sure which corner, or how far away it really is, since many of our corners are still obscured. We are hoping that our loyal readers will be able to ID this.


We have been diligently watching out our window for the first signs of Spring, and can report that the ice on the river has finally broken up. Fewer icebergs have been sighted floating East, AND the Mergansers are making their annual migration stopover.

The Boys are all hoping to "get lucky"

These folks are heading North to their summer breeding grounds, and boy are they excited. Except for the poor female in the middle of all those males!!!!!!

And although some people are proposing that winter is over just because today is March 21, and are proclaiming that we should be celebrating Alban Eiler, the view from our window indicates that this is a preposterous idea.........

Alpine vista across the river
Maybe celebrating with skiing or Alpine Yodeling would be better than dancing nekid under the full moon for this years celebration.

On a more serious note (probably a b flat), Beatrice and I hope you all have a wonderful

 "First Day Of SPRING"!!!!!



MadSnapper n Beau said...

i don't know why they put things on the calendar since it is very rare that anything is correct.. hope it all melts soon and your find that spring

Gill - That British Woman said...

it is taking it's sweet time getting here Spring!!

Latane Barton said...

I have had Mergansers on the pond by my apartment all winter long. I suppose they will take off for parts unknown soon. I will miss them. The snow... it's gone in this neck of the woods. Hallelujah.

Out on the prairie said...

When it finally all goes away I do miss it.

Linda said...

It's coming. You must believe!

William Kendall said...

Around here, Old Man Winter has decided to stick around a little longer!

Emma Springfield said...

So the lady duck has all those gentleman ducks chasing her. My oh my. I hope she has her dance card with her to keep them straight.

L. D. said...

We have sprung but I am not holding my breath. We have had freezing rain on tulips before and late snow storms. You do have a need for some hot weather.

Ludwig said...

Happy spring to you both! I ducked mowing the lawn today, may not be so lucky tomorrow (just rubbing it in ;-) )

Anonymous said...

I hope it warms up very soon. It was 82 in Georgia today but rain is back in the forecast. We are beginning to see a little spring color in the yard.

Montanagirl said...

Love your humor, and happy spring to you as well!!

Joseph Pulikotil said...

Hello greetings and good wishes.

The first photo is that of a coil, perhaps used in a water heater.

Glad to know the spring is slowly making its appearance. Excellent photo of the ducks. They appear to be happy, carefree and enjoying themselves serenading a lovely female.

Best wishes

possum said...

Ah, thanks for reminding me why I live in VA in spite of having a 2 month long winter this year.
Your daffodils are about to bloom down the street. I sure am happy to see mine in bloom.
Today is cold, in the mid 40s, but the sun is shining! Free Vitamin D!

Anonymous said...

We see it different here, when spring has sprubf that is. The temperature must sat above above 32F for seven days in a row before they say spring has sprung. This year it happened already in February which is unbelievebly early but mostly it happens in early April.

Have a great day!

grammie g said...

Hey I hope you pointed those Mergansers in my direction, I have a spot open on the river here with there name on it! ;)
If that's a Spring I have never seen one. LOL


Anonymous said...

Dumping things at the corner of our house is not a good thing. Welcoming spring with a bright smile!!

Connie said...

Ay-yi-yi! I hope that frozen stuff melts soon for you. We have at least gotten rid of our snow, but we are still looking for some warmer temperatures.