
Saturday, March 21, 2015

Spring UPDATE!!!!!!

So what is this?????? It is what is happening outside our window this morning. The background is the river and those pesky white flakey things are ........... You Guessed It
First official day of spring and we have SNOW!!!!!

Might be a little hard to see but that is NOT FOG outside our window.... No sireeee it is 

BUT the forecast says it will end this afternoon and we should be less that one inch. 

Trying to put a good spin on this snowy morning, i have to say ..... 

This little dusting (New Englandese for less than 3 inches of accumulation) will put a nice cover coat on the piles of dirty SNOW that are found all over the place here. 

YES folks, that is SNOW behind me as of yesterday.... 
This morning it will have a nice white cover... just in time for SPRING??????

Grenville, Still looking for Spring....


Out on the prairie said...

I haven't emptied my snowblower gas out yet.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

it looks like about 1/4 of the USA is having a white first day of spring that might last until summer...

Gill - That British Woman said...

raining here this morning in Southern Ontario, not much but better than the snow.

William Kendall said...

We're getting it as snow this morning in eastern Ontario.

Country Gal said...

We have rain and our big snow banks are now tiny snow banks lol ! Most of our snow has gone but muddy out there I tell ya YUK !. That's ok we will all be complaining of how hot it is soon lol never happy with the weather are we ? lol ! Thanks for sharing , Have a good weekend !

Emma Springfield said...

Winter does not give up easily. I love that last picture . It looks like an alien world.

grammie g said...

Well now it looks like you are sailing in the same boat as I am. Maybe that is not a good a good way of putting it, but you get my drift, there that's more like it "drift" !!
I glad you kept those pesky white things down there.. Hope your weekend went well in spite of it!!


jp@A Green Ridge said...

LOL! At least it gave me another opportunity for more snowshoeing!...:)JP

Cheryl @ TFD said...

More snow...oh no! I hope spring arrives for you soon. We're supposed to get rain tomorrow and this time of year they always mention the possibility of that T word we all dread...tornadoes.

Anvilcloud said...

I am getting my snow tires removed in just a few minutes. Too bad it's going to snow tonight and tomorrow. :)