And a LOT of it too, measured in feet, just over 2 feet in Nashua, NH.
The snow started late Monday night and continued all day Tuesday in NH and the total amount here was nearly 29 inches. Needless to say, the city was shut down.
By comparison, our VA eastern shore home received a half-inch of snow, enough to delay schools by 2 hours. In that area, anything above a half inch will do that as there are no snow plows and humped roads roads with deep ditches on both sides.
The last photo in this previous post showed a view of the Nashua River after a 6-inch weekend snowfall.
This is the same view early yesterday morning showing the river and partial city view. By late afternoon, conditions had deteriorated to a point where the river couldn't be seen from our 5th floor mill apartment window.
The only group that seemed to be enjoying the river was a resident flock of gulls (had to include these as fellow blogger Denise is a fan of seagulls; better shots another day.)
Our thanks to several bloggers who emailed to ask if we were doing OK during the storm.
YES, we were — all safe and secure indoors with a crock pot meal prepared, and some classic films (Cary Grand and Gene Kelly) to view borrowed from the library yesterday. It was also a good day to catch up on laundry and a nap (just ask Grenville). All the above photos were taken from indoor vantage points (our cars are parked underground
Family and fiends in our native NJ emailed to say that predicted snowfall amounts there never happened with under a foot of snow received.
Just wondering . . .
How did those of you who were in the path of winter storm Juno fare?
Did you get more or less snow amounts than previously forecast — were you disappointed or glad?
And, how do YOU spend snow (or bad weather) days?
Howdy Dorothy!
Well, schools in good old Howard County MD were closed for 1" on Monday and 2 more inches on Tuesday.Since husband is a school bus driver, no work means no pay. But we take 'em as they come. Yesterday was spent in bed reading and tending to Josephine who had a snuffly nose and a bit of a wheeze. Good thing I was a nurse as a "yout". (Remember that movie, My Cousin, Vinnie?)
I am still keenly interested in your emotional response to moving as we are thinking of going back to NJ. I love MD and my neighbors, but I do not love this condo. What made you choose Nashua?
:) m & jb (who most decidedly does NOT want ANY chane of location!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Just a quick pop on to see how you all fared up in the snow. It sure is beautiful and hope it melts soon. Good to see you are safe.
I like to cook when boxed in. You need snow shoes, they are a lot of fun when all is shut down around you.
David's brother and family live in Boston and they had 2 feet of snow.
Here in Hawaii, it's been chilly enough for me to wear a heavy sweater.
Hello greetings.
Very lovely photos with interesting information.
I live in Kochi, India. In Kochi we have no winter, no snow. I have seen snow only in photos and movies.
We only have two major seasons. Summer and the rainy season. We don't have to wear warm clothes.
Best wishes
We just take winter storms in stride and get on with it. New Hampshire manages just as well- I think it's weather forecasters these days and local media who end up coming across as panicky Chicken Littles. You swear some of them are about to say, "Storm of the century, massive blizzard, prepare to eat the dead!"
The storm shots do look beautiful.
Beautiful photographs!
I love seagulls, when they arrive here it means spring is just behind :-)
Our snow is melting away rather fast but more is on the way they say but nothing like You had.
Have a great day!
So glad you're in and warm and entertained. We got nuttin'.
I was not in the path of Juno here in the prairies. We are having very warm weather for this time of year. I sympathize however. I have been in storms like yours many times. They are brutal.
You have a beautiful winter wonderland right out your windows:)
are you now longing for Only? wow that is a ton of snow, you moved right in the path of it.. we have seen the horror stories on TV so am glad you are ok and up and running..
Awwwww, thanks for the gulls. Glad you did okay safely tucked inside your apartment and so glad you won't have to dig your car out of the snow. We didn't get a lot of snow in comparison but I see by our weather forecast this morning that we have a 60% chance of snow on Sunday and Monday. Stay safe and warm up there :)
Hi, I'm glad to see you are surviving well out there. My resident Norwegian keeps saying, "This is nothing..." and proceeds to tell me tales of his childhood when he walked up hill to and from school through a snowy forest full of trolls. Yep, we got it easy now.... ;)
We watched A Idol on an eastern station, and all we saw for two nights were banners of school closings along the bottom.
Well, as I am sure you know by now, we measured a half inch of mostly snow but a bit of frozen stuff packing it down. Schools were 2 hours late. Roads clear.
Then I had a couple days for picking camellias before the next bitter cold temps came.
I enjoy my snow best when I see it on a webcam!
Glad it is you, not me, in all that mess!
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