
Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Remembering . . .

Today is Veterans Day, which celebrates the service of all U.S. military veterans as opposed to Memorial Day, which is a day of remembering those who died while serving. 

In 1918, World War I ended with a  truce on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month. November 11 is generally regarded as the "war to end all wars." 

Since 1938, Veterans Day has been designated as a federal holiday which means that many U.S. workers and students have the day off. Non-essential federal government office are closes as are many state and local offices. There is no mail delivery.
While the holiday is commonly printed as Veteran's Day or Veterans' Day in calendars and advertisements (spellings that are grammatically acceptable), the U.S. government has declared that the attributive (no apostrophe) rather than the possessive case is the official spelling; Veterans Day is the official designation.

Today's images were taken in Old Lyme, CT.


Anonymous said...

A beautiful Veteran's Day post.

Out on the prairie said...

I'm headed north for a good ceremony. Always a big day for me and my family. Thank you all who have served.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I like all these photos and the second one is Awesome.. so beautiful and perfect for jogging our memories.

Connie said...

These are nice pictures. Perfect post for today.

Emma Springfield said...

Thank you for the informative post. The pictures in the cemetery are most intriguing. Headstones have certainly changed over the years. Thank you to all the veterans.

L. D. said...

Only out east would you have such older graves of vets from wars of long ago. I think we have a handful of WW 1 and small amount of Civil War graves in our family town cemetery. I appreciate you taking the time to photograph such old stones.

William Kendall said...

The old graves in particular really stand out.

Anonymous said...

Interesting cemetery with those old tombstones.

Gail Dixon said...

Beautiful fall photos of the old cemetery. God bless those who have fallen and those still protecting us.

Unknown said...

I have posted my tribute to the veterans of
our family, including and starting right here with Jerry on Facebook...of course my father whom I never knew because he was a WWII vet who gave his all for this country and liberties so many take for granted today///

Debbie said...

beautiful fall captures and a lovely post for veterans day!!!