
Sunday, July 13, 2014

Briefly Blooming Beauties

There's a lot of colorful daylilies in the Frog & PenguINN yard. While that's good news, sadly, many of these beauties will soon be gone because, as their name, implies their bloom time is very short. 

Years ago there was abundance of this common and hardy perennial daylily in our yard. This orange daylily goes by several names: orange daylily, tiger daylily and ditch daylily. It's often classified as an invasive plant as it can be found growing wild in fields and roadsides. In recent years, ours have lessened in quantity and bloom color. They were the first to bloom this year and all have "bloomed out" now.

In their place, these daylilies are blooming now. These varieties were purchased several years ago from  Sterrett Gardens, an area daylily farm. I don't remember their names.

And when there are several blooming simultaneously, it's quite striking.

The dark reds are especially eye-catching.

The dark golden yellows are my personal favorites.

Perhaps, it's just because they look like summer with their almost glowing brightness.

There's even one that is close to my favorite color, purple, especially when the bloom is done.

The wildflower meadow is also in bloom and with our recent hot and humid weather, plus a few rainstorms, new varieties are showing up daily. I've taken photos of those too, after fighting off mosquitoes and walking between the bees. Showing those in a future post.

How are your yards doing — flowers, vegetables —  both or none?


MadSnapper n Beau said...

yellows and purple so pretty OH MY. i think number 3 is my favorite foto. they are all gorgeous

Connie said...

These are beautiful! They really stand out when there is a group of them together.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Hey, I went to a Daylily Farm in VA which is where I bought mine, which you will see soon!...:)JP

Anvilcloud said...

Our daylilies are almost ready to bloom. Those blasted orange ones are already in full vigour.

DeniseinVA said...

We need to get some daylilies into our garden. I've been admiring a lot of them lately in other people's yards. Beautiful display in yours :)

Anonymous said...

What beautiful lilies! All the colors are striking... it's difficult to choose a favorite. I don't have a garden, but how I'd love one filled with flowers... one day :)

Out on the prairie said...

Lots of blooms here, with some Asiatic also going strong. I am eating tomatoes and sweet corn.

Maureen @ Josephina Ballerina said...

Hiya Dorothy!
I adore day lilies. I had a simple, home wedding when I married Ray. I didn't order any flowers. (Carried huge bouquet of lilacs I cut from the front yard.) Then ding-dong doorbell sounds, and brother, Rudy, has sent a huuuge arrangement of Stargazer Lilies. Had never seen -or smelled- them before. Their fragrance can be cloying, but, fortunately, I had a largish home then and lots of open windows.
Now, I am wary of having any lily around because it is THE most poisonous flower to cats. 100% fatal if not treated very soon after ingestion. (Like anti-freeze, it kills their kidneys.)
When Josephine was a kitten she ingested some. Lots of sobbing on my part and a $1200 vet bill, and she was fine, Thank God.
:) :) from maureen, AND, I am grateful to say, jb!

Anonymous said...

Such bright, beautiful colors! Wow!

Michelle said...

Beautiful flowers! We are very, very dry here. Getting rain today for the first time in a couple of weeks. The garden and pastures need it!

William Kendall said...

A lovely variety in colours!

Karen Lakis said...

Wow - I love the variety of daylilies in your yard! Flowers, only, for me - and they have to thrive with little to no care - I subscribe to the survival-of-the-fittest garden method. I would love to have a vegetable garden, but way too much shade at home, and long periods of absence during the week from our mountain home. Someday...

Emma Springfield said...

Just absolutely lovely. It is not a wonder to me that flowers bring such a feeling of calm. I can almost smell them.

Elaine said...

These are lovely! Daylilies don't do very well here, but the Asiatic lilies do. I've got several varieties in my flower bed, but they haven't bloomed yet, although some have buds. They usually put on a nice show in August.