
Thursday, June 19, 2014

Last to Leave

Crepe myrtle trees in The Frog & PenguINN yard have hosted many nests over the years, most recently two robin nests.

This was the mama robin a couple of weeks ago — sitting and waiting . . .

And this was the last hatching ready to fledge and leave the nest, but in no hurry.

Under the watchful eyes of its parent who perched on the nearby patio fence.
We didn't see any other nest-mates before they left and hope they fly off safely.


Anvilcloud said...

It's always fun to watch them grow and fly so quickly.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the babies are adorable and the mom and dad are splendid... great shots of the whole family

Connie said...

These are great pictures! Love the first one of the mother bird. :)

Anonymous said...

Cute birds!

Elaine said...

Excellent shots! I love the collage of the indecisive youngun!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Beautiful captures of the sweet birds!

barbara l. hale said...

Great photos! I couldn't get close enough to get good ones of our Robin family. They made quite a racket when they were teaching the kids how to go out on their own though. So I heard them. All's quiet now.

William Kendall said...

The hatchling looks quite distinctive!

Out on the prairie said...

Been watching a family of jays in my backyard. Have some new bluebirds in the back forty. Have doves and robins out front, may have to pass out a few cigars for all those babies.

Gail Dixon said...

I have never, ever seen a robin fledgling. AWESOME catch light in the eye on the first pic. Great detail you captured!

Michelle said...

That Mama Robin has a sweet face.

Emma Springfield said...

What a beautiful close-up of the mother robin. That is a fantastic picture. It must have been fun watching the little ones get ready to leave.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Great pix, Dorothy!!!!...:)JP

possum said...

Great shots!
My yard is full of noisy fledglings begging to be fed!