
Thursday, June 12, 2014

Alexandria's Knockers

I'm sure you remember that we recently spent a weekend in Alexandria Virginia. This is a town steeped with history of the early days of our country. A place you can have lunch at the same place George and Thomas ate!!!! (maybe not at the same table though) Where you may you find a couple celebrating their 5th wedding annaversary dressed as they were on their wedding day (Mitch & Maggie..... if your out there we say HI!!!!!!)

As some of you remember, my eye for photography tends to run to the eclectic and less noticed. Things we see every day but blend into the blur of life. The 'Doors of Strasbourg PA." and the "Windows of Maine" are examples as is "Under your Feet in Portsmouth" (NH). What caught my eye in Alexandria was the variety of "Door Knockers" (if your minds have fallen into the gutter you may now pick them up).

Strolling through the Historic Section, it was so refreshing to see how history was being preserved with an almost passion. Gas lamps out side many a door gave a feel of the past to our evening walk. We were to be hunting ghosts, which we never saw, and could almost feel their presence.

Today door knockers are rarely seen and seldom used when present. Much like the mechanical door bell at the F&P. Even though it works, it is seldom used.
What caught my eye was the variety of designs. I found 32 different variations of these simple door adornments and would like to share some with you.

Lions definitely ruled the animal kingdom and on many of the doors.

People were the next most popular. Notice that one face is repeated. And the hairdo's were almost enough to scare a visitor away. HHHMMM,,,, what a novel idea for the politicians at election time.

Then there were the elliptical variations.  Many of these designs have lasted into this century.

As you can imagine, patriotic knockers were popular. Remember that many of the elite of Washington actually lived on this side of the Potomac River. I bet the traffic in DC was terrible even back then.

Sporadically I found the truly eclectic ones. A Claddagh for an Irish family, a Trident for a seafarer, a pineapple to welcome, a hand of friendship, and a squirrel,,,,,,, well you figure that one.
There were even double knockers on the homes of the rich who could afford double doors.



MadSnapper n Beau said...

i have never seen a door knocker on a door.. not that i remember and had no idea there were this many types. i have seen then in photos and in movies but not in real life..

jp@A Green Ridge said...

These are so unique. I have an old door knocker...a woodpecker...that I use in the kitchen!...:)JP

Montanagirl said...

What a wonderful assortment of door knockers! I really like the lion heads and patriotic ones.

William Kendall said...

Fascinating knockers!

Yes, my mind went into the gutter...

Doris said...

Very interesting!!
A squirrel??

Gail Dixon said...

A most interesting collection! I thought I saw a fleur de lis one. That'd be my very fave.

Out on the prairie said...

Have an old one at the cabin, with a persons initial from the past.

Anvilcloud said...

Caught you. Feedly still captures 'knocker's' and not knockers. :)

Maureen @ Josephina Ballerina said...

For half a second I read it as Alexandria's Knickers. Who is Alexandria and why are you photographing her underpants?
But, What Ho! Knockers. I have a cheapie little condominium-installed knocker on my front door. In 17 years, only one person uses it regularly. Liked a lot of the ones you pixed. Quite taken by the squirrel.

possum said...

A squirrel? or a fox?

Rebecca said...

We had a door knocker when I was a kid. I wonder if the new owners kept it!

L. D. said...

It is a wonderful group of doorknockers. We received one as a wedding gift 30 years ago. If we ever move I may take the door and the knocker with me.