
Friday, February 14, 2014

Amateurs Day (to Us)

Every Day Should be Hearts Day . . .

Grenville and I celebrate every day with simple (and very easy) acts of love.

What We Do . . .
  • Start and end each day saying I Love You 
  • Don't go to bed angry; I'm sorry goes a long way when upset
  • Light candles in the bedroom (except in warmer months)
  • Grenville brings morning coffee and we enjoy it while sitting in bed
  • Dine by candlelight every night (summer excepted).
And, we don't give one another candy, flowers, or gifts but LOTS of cards, just as for every celebration/holiday, and sometimes, just because.
That's WHY to us Valentine's Day is for amateurs — we consider ourselves "Pros."
Happy Hearts Day to ALL 
Dorothy (Beatrice) & Pat (Grenville)


Connie said...

Wonderful pictures! You two are so cute together. Happy Valentine's Day!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Happy Valentine day to the PROS... enjoy your day.

Charlotte Wilson said...

Well there you are! Nice to see a picture of you and your Valentine.
I am with you: Jim and I celebrate our love every day. He makes the best coffee for me every day that he is home. He does my laundry, ironing and sometimes vacuums. I cook all kinds of goodies for him. I don't know if that is equal, but we are happy.

Hugs to you both,


Montanagirl said...

Happy Valentine's Day - you two are so cute!

Doris said...

Happy Valentine's Day to you!

Out on the prairie said...

Have a great Valentines.

Rebecca said...

What great ideas! Maybe you need to write an advice column.

Emma Springfield said...

You two are good examples for all of us. Each day is a special day for a couple like you.

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

Happy V day to the both of you, you both are blessed!!! Me too.

GOD keep you both safe!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

How sweet...keep up the good work,...:)JP

William Kendall said...

Happy Valentine's Day to you!

Leonora said...

You two set a wonderful example of true love : )It's really not about the flowers and candy, is it?!

Anvilcloud said...

I agre with the lighting fires in the bedroom part. Oh ... candles.