
Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Homes with a View

NJ fall color1112 (1)

This is the view crossing the Hudson River on the Tappanzee Bridge in New York heading to New Jersey.

Imagine being one of the folks who live on this hill when autumn is in full color.NJ fall color1112 (4)

And, without all those highway lights on Rte 287, the views are much prettier.NJ fall color1112 (8)NJ fall color1112 (9)

These photos were taken enroute as there were no scenic overlooks.


~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

What amazing photos! There's still so much Autumn color to enjoy! Have a good week!

Country Gal said...

These are beautiful photos oh my what lovely colours . We are all bare now here... well we aren't lol that would scare the neighbors hehe I mean the trees are all bare ! Thanks for sharing ! Have a good day !

William Kendall said...

Those are beautiful shots!

Here most of the leaves have fallen.

betty said...

I think if I lived amongst that, I would never get tired of the view!


jp@A Green Ridge said...

Hey, speaking f homes...our builder s nearly finished with the house and it already sold! In fact, there are two offers on the table, one is a couple from Virginia, who just sold their place. Any news on yours?....:)JP

Out on the prairie said...

I like to watch even the lights come on from that vantage.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

gorgeous colors, i do like homes that are built on hills and layers like this. my brother lives in Augusta GA and they are built like this. but when we look out his windows all we see are homes and trees.

Lois Evensen said...


Rebecca said...

The hill is gorgeous. The bridge, not so much. I'm a country view kind of person. But I guess you need the bridge to get to the view...

possum said...

Wow! Those colors are almost unreal! what a view!

barbara l. hale said...

Darn them not putting scenic overlooks just all over! What beautiful photos! We've been that way often over the years but I don't remember being there in the fall.

Connie said...

Wow! So pretty! I love the colors of fall.

Anvilcloud said...

Yes, some people have hit the mother lode.