
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Happy 85th

Grenville and I have been on a family visit road trip with stops in NJ, RI and CT. Along our travels, we were able to enjoy and share here some beautiful fall foliage.

The culmination of this trip was the 85th birthday celebration of Pat’s Aunt Anne in New London, CT, this past weekend. 

Aunt Anne is a purist and doesn’t believe in celebrating her Special Day on any day other than the actual day. And, her favorite birthday gift is lottery tickets.

We hope she get a winning one cause she received a lot of "birthday" tickets.


Rebecca said...

Lee's grandmother started getting $100 from family and friends for her birthday to use at the slots. Maybe you need to give Auntie $86 next year! A sure thing over a lottery ticket. I love them, too, just for the anticipation.

Montanagirl said...

She's lovely! And I love the Lottery Ticket thing - I hope she wins big!!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Happy Birthday wishes to your sweet aunt! I hope she wins big!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

she looks so sweet

Out on the prairie said...

Lovely. Took a friend back to get his car today, he left the lights on when we were eating our free meal for vets yesterday. Laughed when the sales guy asked him how many year battery he wanted. At 88 does one go for the gusto?

Anonymous said...

I'll hold my thumbs for good luck and lots of lottery winnings :-)

Have a great day!

barbara l. hale said...

She sounds like a special person! How nice to be able to help her celebrate on her actual birthday.

Unknown said...

And a most happy natal day celebration to Auntie Anne...hope she got several winners.

L. D. said...

Birthday cakes makes the day very special too. She must have a lot of people out there buying her tickets.

Doris said...

Happy Birthday to this special lady! GOOD LUCK on her tickets...hoping for some wins for her =)

Connie said...

Happy birthday to her! I hope she got a winner.

William Kendall said...

A happy birthday to your aunt!

betty said...

So neat you got to celebrate Aunt Anne's birthday with her! Beautiful woman! I love her choice of gifts,honestly, at 85 years old, she probably has everything else she needs, so I'm sure she enjoys anticipating if she has a winning ticket or not :)


Elaine said...

Good luck to Aunt Anne in the lottery! I hope she wins big!

I enjoyed the New London architecture and the beautiful fall colors you saw. You can't beat New England for leaf peeping!

DeniseinVA said...

Happy Birthday to Aunt Anne, may she get that winning ticket :)