
Sunday, September 22, 2013

Orange You Glad . . .

That fall arrived today.

Fall colors

Yes, I know, it WAS an awful pun. September 22 marks the official start of fall/autumn here in the U.S. and the rest of the Northern Hemisphere. This season (the only one with dual names) runs from today (Sunday, Sept 22) until Friday, Dec 20.

How beautifully the leaves grow old. How full of light and color their last days. (John Burroughs, American naturalist and essayist)

Fall leaves

The first day of the autumn season is the day of the year when the sun crosses the celestial equator moving southward, referred to as the Autumnal Equinox, when the hours of day and night are roughly equal.

Fall trees

These early signs of fall colors were taken today during a trip to Niagara on the Lake, a picturesque town in southern Ontario, Canada; more about this day trip in a future post.


DeniseinVA said...

Great photos! I look forward to more posts from your trip.

Montanagirl said...

Your photos are beautiful and fall is my favorite time of year.

Elaine said...

Beautiful photos and collages! It may be the official start of fall, but it's looking more wintery here, with a bit of snow again today. It's supposed to be nice again midweek--I certainly hope so!

Anonymous said...

You have captured the beauty of fall perfectly.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I love those striped leaves in the second collage.. your colors today are wonderful..

The Odd Essay said...

LOVE the colors! What beautiful contrasts... hope we see some colors now that we're in Ohio.

Anvilcloud said...

I hope you didn't get a parking ticket like I did. I sent in my cheque with a little letter, including photos, showing how one could easily miss the parking regulations. They never cashed the cheque. That was nice of them. I look forward to your follow-up photos.

Out on the prairie said...

Love all the blooms, lovely cannas

L. D. said...

You have some very beautiful colors here and it looks like the trees will showing pretty soon.

Anonymous said...

It actually worked that way here this year, normally we gat autumn long before the 22nd of September here and winter starts usually in November but bad years already in October. To bad spring doesn't come early too :-)

Beautiful colors in those photographs!

Havbe a great day!

Connie said...

Lovely fall color photos! It is a pretty time of year.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

No parking ticket for us, but the meter was out of order and we posted a not to that effect.