
Thursday, September 5, 2013

Everything Old is New

Antique stores are interesting places to spend time in whether or not you’re searching for anything special. The collections found in these places are connection to the past.
Luckily, we have such a place less than 10 minutes from our home — Market Street Antiques  in Onancock, VA. You never know what you’ll see there from bathtubs to  bathroom sinks, even some kitchen sinks not shown here.bathtubsThere’s not just retro stuff, but also a 2000 square foot architectural salvage yard inside the rear of the store. Fellow bloggers looking for old pieces might find this place a shopping delight.
Maybe you’re looking for a new old light . . .P8240017Perhaps a new door or some purple painted window frames . . .doors-windowsOf course, you’ll need some door handles and locks too . . .doorhandles-locksThere are lots of assorted railings, posts and doors to choose from and some really old door fronts too.railingsdoor-mantelIt’s a great way to spend an hour and usually longer. There’s always something new old to see in this place.old tools


Triumph said...

We have a place like this called Bring Recycling. Anyone who is tearing out stuff from buildings and houses donates it to Bring. Re-usable items are for sale in their warehouse/store and other items are properly recycled or otherwise disposed. They are one of our most highly regarded non-profit enterprises.

Anonymous said...

I would love to walk around there! I saw a couple of old lamps I would love to have and that old door is just fantastic!

No such place close to where I live but I know a few places closer to my old home town.

Have a great day!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

my heart is going pitty pat with joy just thinking of wandering in this place

Montanagirl said...

That's a pretty neat place! Something for everyone.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

What a great place to browse around in, I just know I could find something I could use there!

Out on the prairie said...

A fun store, a daughter worked in one her friend started. I laugh how many tubs in my younger years I took a sledge to just to get pieces I could carry out.

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

I love that door and all that old wood. I could spend hours in a place like that as long as it had AC on these hot summer days.

have a safe trip!

Connie said...

What a cool place! Looks like there is a lot to see there.

barbara l. hale said...

That looks like such a fun place! I am not aware of anyplace around here like that.

Leonora said...

We have a similar place in Roanoke called Black Dog Salvage. I love to browse their warehouse even though I've never bought anything. Think of the lovely old homes all these parts and pieces came from!