
Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Barn Collapse “Fun” (no injuries)

Recent posts have been concerned with house selling, yard work, on-line issues, so today it time for some photo phun, sorry FUN.barn collapse orig

Last week, I photographed this old barn because as Mad Snapper Sandra often says, “I could.”  It’s been collapsing for the past few year and despite storms is remarkably STILL standing.

Taking this photo into Picasa and 5 minutes of playing, sorry meant to say artistic changes produced these . . .

Pencil sketch with neon for that “blue” feeling. Then on a colorful note, Heat Map was applied in the next photo.

Pencil Sketch and NeonHeat Map

Same image in black and white with added contrast and in sepia with wood grain effect.

B&W with added contrastSepia with WarmifyLast one is the original again with fine tuning, highlights, shadows all applied with a few mouse clicks in Picasa and Reflections selected in Live Writer.

Fine Tuning -FIll Light, Highlights, Shadows

OK, my excuse for this doodling photofun was that it’s the 1st day of the month, which means bill paying in the a.m. Thank goodness, there’s still some $$ left in the checkbook for fun stuff (more on that in a weekend post).

What have YOU been doing for fun, phun, silly stuff ?
(Sandra, I already know you’re always having photofun.)


Rebecca said...

Isn't it amazing what we cando with photographs? And by we, I mean YOU. I am all for putting off bill paying until the last minute.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i like them all but the last is my pic of the day on these... really like that one. i love the for real one to, lovely old barn. soon we will have a photo edit epidemic..

Anonymous said...

I always like photos in sepia and this is no exception.

Holiday today so I've just taken it easy and I've done something I'll tell You about within a week or so :-)

Have a great day!

L. D. said...

It is fun to place the different effects onto photos. I do similar things with photoshop. When you sometimes see photos in magazines you realize that they have been altered by computer editing. I like the different ones that you created.

Doris said...

They all are pretty wonderful. Nice break from the work =)

As for fun around here....Aidan's soccer game last evening was really fun! Today I've done some cleaning and cleaning out/organizing the drawers in Ellen's room.

It's a beautiful day here, hope it is for you too!

Unknown said...

Busy here with outside chores, reoving the winter mulch from the rosegardens, pruning and oh yeah, heavy ritual cleaning, polishing, scrubbing to a shine inside, all 3 bathrooms done. Birdwatching too but no time to blogpost. Jerry returns today from his trip to CA for committal of his mother'
s ashes.

Ludwig said...

Playing, sorry, "enhancing", is fun. I was just invited to an "Improve this" event - so I downloaded your original to add to my "play" book. Will let you know what comes of it.

Out on the prairie said...

It is amazing how these prairie palaces last even in disrepair.They always catch my eye.

Anvilcloud said...

Happy May 1st.

Anonymous said...

Fun photos. Thx for the lovely card in our new home. Have a good night.

Ludwig said...

So here is my "interpretation":

Hope this link works in comments.

Elaine said...

Poor old dear of a barn, it looks like its underpinnings are going. I like to play with different effects too. Amazing what you can do. I've been very busy the last few days, concentrating really hard, trying to will the snow to melt. Sadly, limited success, as we keep getting more falling from the sky added to the mix. Talk around town is that spring has been cancelled.....

Connie said...

Cool photos! It's fun to see how many different looks you can get with one photo using photo editing software.