
Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Grand Christmas

Christmas has come and gone in a single 24-hours. Preparations that began so many weeks ahead are over as well. We hope that your memories of time with family and friends lasts into the New Year.

We didn't visit the grandkids at Christmas, but will see them next week. Their mom emailed photos of grandson in his “handsome” clothes (his words) and granddaughter.1212 Bobby-Ellie Xmas1212 Ellie Xmas collage

The first photo in this collage was our favorite.

1212 Ellie gifts

We saw and heard both in a Christmas morning video call, even if we didn’t understand granddaughter’s conversation. It's not the same as being there, but still pretty great.


Out on the prairie said...

Precious, I am waiting to see mine in blazing technicolor

MadSnapper n Beau said...

video calls are wonderful, you were there though you were not. they are really really precious. i love the smile in the pic next to the two sleeping beauties.

Debby said...

Adorable babies. We skyped with our daughter and her kids. Our three year old grandson was squiting us with his new fire truck hose. We pretended to be getting wet. It was so much fun. We got to see the rest of our family. Technology helps when we can't. Have fun with the visits coming up.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Oh my goodness, Dorothy..they are adorable,...:) JP

Doris said... sweet! So happy you could 'be there' through modern means =)

Charlotte Wilson said...

your grandstands are just precious

Connie said...

Oh, these kids are so adorable! Bobby is indeed handsome in those clothes. We love Skype. I marvel at what we can do these days.

Anvilcloud said...

No doubt you are itching to visit and get lots of hugs.

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

sometimes we get all frustrated with technology when we dont understand or something happens. BUT WOW! What a Hallmark moment, you seeing the kids sleeping then were able to see the open gifts... NOW that is special. THey are growing so fast, slow them down will ya!

GOOD to know you had a good and safe Christmas.

HOPE your New Year will be as well.

Montanagirl said...

Love your collages. I'm way behind on posting and commenting. I've been pretty busy with festivities and family.

Cicero Sings said...

Real cutie pies ... no doubt about it. Technology is wonderful.

Anonymous said...

Those photographs of Your grandchildren ar just so great!

Have a great day!

DeniseinVA said...

How wonderful! Great pictures of your adorable grandchildren.

Claire M. King said...

Nice. Love the pics, too.