
Friday, April 12, 2024

Friday Funnies

Since I started noticing and taking photos of vanity plates, there's been no shortage of them in Nashua, NH. Recent outings have resulted in from 5 to 8 in a parking lot. Many show a name, career or interest. Here's a few more recent ones.

These car owners like the water and show it on their plates.

It seems a certainty that these vehicles are owned by female drivers.

The owners of these vanity plate owners had a message to share with all.

Before I started looking for vanity plates, I didn't know there were so many to be seen. These plate sightings will be a continuing FF post. 

Thanks to everyone who left a comment on the previous post about my first cameras (owned or used). The Eastman Kodak Brownie camera (1900-1986) was overwhelming the first camera of many folks. I enjoyed reading about your early camera owning memories.

Enjoy Your Weekend, Everyone
Date night: country singer Josh Turner at Nashua Performing Arts Center


Tom said...

...I enjoy collecting vanity plates too. When I was in the nursery business, our plate was "I PLANT." Maui is a great place to find them too.

Marie Smith said...

I don’t see many vanity plates around here but I will look for them in future. You caught some great ones.

Bijoux said...

I have trouble figuring out many that I see on the road.

Boud said...

I can figure most of these but sometimes I'm baffled!

Rain said...

I think I may have commented on this before, I thought about vanity plates, but I don't want to be that noticed lol! Maybe mine should be: CRZY-D0G-L8D ☺

gigi-hawaii said...

I liked the last one the most. I don't see many such plates here.

MARY G said...

Good grief! It costs a packet here to get a vanity plate. Although I have a lot of sympathy for HRTRUK. Around here it is definitely HISTRUCK. Reduced to six letters. It is also HIS truck key. Not to be removed from the key bowl except by his majesty himself.
Me, I have a truck key of my own. In a pocket of my purse.

Jeanie said...

Those are always fun!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i have seen not a one of these plates here. I keep forgetting to check the parking lots when i park. i don't think they are that popular here. either that or i just don't see them.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I love taking photos of vanity plates. You did good! I think you have more there than we do.

Sandra said...

I don't see many vanity plate, but I guess I don't look.

Rita said...

Some of them take me a bit to figure out so on the road I would probably never have the time to figure them out--lol! They're not so popular around here, I don't think. I think my favorite one is JUST-BU. LOL! :)

photowannabe said...

Enjoy your date night. It sounds like a fun evening.
We often have Wednesdates...It may just be a donut and coffee but it's our special time together.
Vanity plates are fun to decipher...some I really can't get but some do make me smile.

Emma Springfield said...

I enjoy seeing the vanity plates. Some are really clever.

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Wonderful plates
Since you blogged about them, I've tried to figure out one for myself. So far I have yet to decide on a neat vanity license plate.

nick said...

People in Northern Ireland don't go in for vanity plates very much. Just that annoying sticker "Baby on board" or a sticker saying they support charity X or Y.

Veronica Lee said...

Those vanity plates are fun to see.
Enjoy your date night, Dorothy! 😊

Happy Sunday!

Lee said...

Those plates sure show imagination!! lol

DeniseinVA said...

I always scratch my head at some of the vanity plates I see. These seem pretty clear and clever.

diane b said...

They are fun to read.

baili said...

i found these plate reading interesting .

reading vanity plates is good hobby during long long journey specially within city roads where traffic is more .

you have shared some funny reads here dear Dorothy :)