
Monday, December 11, 2017

Holiday Decos X2

Before we left our NH apartment to start our 2 week road trip, the exterior decorations were set up. We needed a little Christmas ahead of time.

This small tree was formerly in Grenville's workshop and at holiday craft shows. A trip to the $ store and we redecorated it. Last year's holiday cards were recycled for wall decos.

Santa was donated last year by a former neighbor who was moving. The snowman came from a thrift store at the local senior center. Percy Penguin relocated from the front porch at the Frog & Penguinn in VA and, his companion, Ferd Frog relocated too. 
ince we would be spending part of December at the VA house, we decided to set up a final Christmas tree.
This tree was discarded by a neighbor as the lights no longer lit (he had no problem with our recycling it). After 3 hours of using wire cutters we cut them off and filled a large trash bag. After another trip to the discount and $ store, the tree was trimmed with lights, decos and a tree skirt. We lit the fireplace and had egg nog while decorating.

After all that "work" a selfie was in order. 

We're not keeping the tree, but leaving it for the new homeowner who had hoped to able to close on our VA home by mid-December. However due to delays, the closing may be closer to Christmas and a decorated tree is always welcoming.

My apologies for not commenting on your blog posts as we've had no internet access while in VA This post was done while at our friends' home in Washington, DC where we spent the weekend and attended the USAF band holiday concert at Constitution Hall. We're still traveling and won't be back in NH until a week before Christmas when I hope to catch up on what everyone's been doing. 


DUTA said...

Yo've done a good job with the tree discarded by the neighbor. You both deserve,indeed, the smiling selfie.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

great idea on the tree while you are there and leaving it for the new owners. i once took wires off a 2 foot tree and nearly lost my religion doing it. can't imagine doing it to one this big. i like your hall décor, looks beautiful

Emma Springfield said...

Your hall is creative as always. My wish for you is to finally get those papers signed. It will be one more worry you won't have in front of you.

Ginnie said...

You really have the Christmas spirit and it's nice that you spread it around. We can use lots of that this year.

Doris said...

What a sweet gift for the new owner....not at all surprise though. You two are incredibly thoughtful, generous and kind!
Love the selfie and your apartment hall decorations.
Hope to see you soon!

Connie said...

Your decorations look great, and that is a nice selfie of the two of you too. So nice of you to leave the tree behind for the new owners.

My name is Erika. said...

The decorations looks festive and beautiful. That concert you attended looks it was super. That was a good find and a good way to spend an evening. Have you had your closing yet? You're missing he mess here with snow, rain, ice...lucky you. Hugs-Erika

Michelle said...

A wonderful sentiment to leave the tree for the new owner. The true Christmas spirit!!!

Valerie said...

It all looks very welcoming. Hope your Christmas is a good one.

Anvilcloud said...

Two houses and both Christmastified. You are to be commended.

William Kendall said...

You were certainly well decorated in both spots for the occasion!

I'm in the process of getting caught up with blog reading and commenting, which will take awhile. I had technical issues for the better part of December, but nothing in the last few days, so I'm hoping it's past.