
Sunday, October 8, 2017

"Simon" Scarecrow Needs Votes

"Simon" is on the first page, the 11th scarecrow

Fall has arrived in Nashua, NH, and so have the downtown scarecrows displayed on lamp posts along along Main Street. All have been designed and decorated by local businesses and organizations. 

This is the 3rd Annual Downtown Scarecrow Competition.

Clocktower Apartments where Grenville and I live also has a scarecrow entry. Our interest in this competition is personal as Grenville and myself plus a few other residents here designed and built "Simon" the Scarecrow and his friends.

But, they need more a LOT more votes — and you can help, and it's easy. 

Anyone can cast a vote, once every 24 hours at: 2017 Downtown Nashua Scarecrow Contest (click on this link to the voting site).

Voting is open until Friday, Oct. 13
One vote per day; so every 24 hours you can vote, each vote is 1 point.

As of today, "Simon" is doing very poorly, terrible in fact, and getting "creamed" by other scarecrows especially a couple from local schools. (Unofficially, we heard that school flyers go out requesting parents and children to vote and vote often.)

Three top vote getters will be announced later — no prizes, just bragging rights.

If you cast some votes, Thanks from us and Simon too !


William Kendall said...

I shall head on over and give Simon a hand.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

my comment froze so here goes again. I like and voted for Simon and really enjoyed all of these, some are so creative and the women scare crows are not among my favorites but I don't know why. several look like ART.. great idea and I loved viewing them all

Michelle said...

I will be voting! Nothing like bragging rights! Better than a cash prize! lol

Emma Springfield said...

I'm on Team Simon!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Thanks William, Sandra, Michelle and Emma for your votes for Simon. He's still not even in the top 10 as of tonight with only 46 votes and #10 has 69 😟. We hoping that his vote count can at least get a bit higher by the end of the week's voting which coincidentally is on Friday the 13th. And, remember that you can also vote again, 1X a day. THANKS again

The Furry Gnome said...

There is a Scarecrow Festival in the town we're moving to every year.

baili said...

Very interesting festival dear!

i enjoyed the look and hope that simon get enough vote to win .
best wishes!

mamasmercantile said...

Will pop over now and vote.

Ginnie said...

Very cute. You did well and, as they say, it's all in the thought and not the outcome ... but it would be nice ...

DeniseinVA said...

They're cute and I have voted and will pop over again every day until it's over. Your blogging friends will be doing their part I'm sure :) Good luck!

Doris said...

I voted :)

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Simon (and us too) send THANKS to Furry Gnome, Baili, Lorraine, Denise, and Doris for your votes. His vote count increasing and may top 60 in the next day or so and while that's not nearly enough to even get into the top 10...we're hoping for a BIG push in the next few days. The last day for voting is Fri, Oct 13th. And, you can also vote again, 1X a day from now to then. THANKS again. We will let everyone know the results after they are announced next week.

Lois Evensen said...

How fun! I'll go vote....

Anvilcloud said...

Fun project. Voting done. Good luck.